The Conservative Party's manifesto pledges on Northern Ireland

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak launches the Conservative Party General Election manifesto at Silverstone
-Credit: (Image: James Manning/PA Wire)

As Rishi Sunak launched his manifesto this morning at Silverstone, the race to Downing Street is well and truly on. While the Prime Minister has teased some policies in recent weeks which have been aimed at core Conservative voters such as the reintroduction of National Service and the triple-lock plus on pensions, today gave us the first insight into what another term of a Tory government might look like for Northern Ireland.

The 80-page document makes 32 references to Northern Ireland and for the most part, there is nothing new in the manifesto in relation to the region.

The Prime Minister announced plans for £12bn in welfare cuts which would likely impact the disabled and those already facing financial hardship. It is claimed that this saving would go towards funding £17bn in tax cuts.

Read more: Full list of candidates running in the General Election in Northern Ireland

Read more: Register to vote - key closing dates for Northern Ireland

When it comes to Northern Ireland specifically, the Conservative Party have reaffirmed their commitment to implementing the Windsor Framework in full.

"A Conservative Government will faithfully implement all its commitments in the Windsor Framework and the Command Paper, including those measures to strengthen Northern Ireland’s place in the Union," the document states.

In terms of the controversial legacy legislation which was rejected by all of Northern Ireland's political parties, the Conservatives have said that they will continue to implement the legislation and support the Independent Commission for Reconciliation and Information Recovery.

The party pledged to ringfence agricultural funding so it is passed directly on to farming and rural communities in Northern Ireland and farmers in NI would benefit from a new UK-wide £20 million Farming Innovation Fund.

On devolution, the Conservative manifesto says that the party believes Stormont has "the right balance of powers to deliver for people" and that they will legislate to deliver comparable data across the UK so the performance of public services can be accurately compared.

The Conservatives have also pledged to extend the UK Shared Prosperity Fund for another three years; Expand the Long-Term Plan for Towns to allow a further nine towns across Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales to benefit from £20m endowments to make long-term improvements over 10 years; Maintain the Community Ownership Fund for another three years and continue the Multi-Sport Grassroots Facilities Programme so that sports facilities in Northern Ireland can access investment.

There is no specific mention of funding for Casement Park. However, the manifesto reaffirms the party's support for the joint UK and Ireland Euro 2028 tournament.

The party also included the plans for an Enhanced Investment Zone in Northern Ireland which had already been announced by the Government in March of this year.

On the prospect of a border poll, the Conservatives say that they will "uphold the democratic wishes of the people of Northern Ireland," but that they "respect those who seek a different constitutional outcome pursued by exclusively peaceful and democratic means."

The party said that they will "always govern in the interests of the whole community in Northern Ireland" and that their aim is to build "a Northern Ireland where politics works, the economy grows and society is stronger and more united."

The last paragraph in their manifesto states that the party will work to end paramilitary activity in Northern Ireland.

"While the security situation has been transformed for most people in Northern Ireland over the past three decades, there remains a very real threat from dissident republicans who retain both a capability and intent to cause harm," they said. "We will always give our fullest possible support to the Police Service of Northern Ireland and other agencies for the vital work they do to keep people safe and secure. We will continue our efforts to end all forms of paramilitary activity for good."

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