COP26: Schwarzenegger tells president of this year's climate summit Sharma, 'no one knows what COP stands for'

"No one knows what COP stands for," the former governor of California has told Alok Sharma MP, the president of this year's climate negotiations known as COP26.

Arnold Schwarzenegger told Mr Sharma he "was just wanting to know for you what that feels like," adding it must be "really tough" for him to explain his role in COP26.

The pair were in conversation in a new monthly web series, Arnold's Stammtisch, in which the Austrian-American star hosts various environmental leaders.

A 'stammtisch' is a table at a bar or restaurant in Austria where regulars meet for casual discussion of the political and philosophical issues of the day.

Mr Sharma replied he "very much hoped" everyone would know what COP26 meant by the end of this year as climate change was the "biggest challenge... facing humanity right now".

COP, which stands for "conference of the parties", is an annual gathering of world leaders to agree how best to tackle climate change.

Negotiations scheduled for Glasgow in 2020 were delayed by the pandemic. The Scottish city is due to host the conference this year in November instead.

The role of the president of COP is "to try and reach consensus working with all the countries", Mr Sharma said, adding that "success on this route is going to belong to all of us".

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Schwarzenegger, who as governor of California in 2005 set a goal to cut its emissions to 1990 levels, had his own ideas about how Mr Sharma could make the topic more relatable.

He suggested Mr Sharma tried using the term "pollution" instead of climate change, to which Mr Sharma appeared to partially agree.

The former bodybuilder and actor, known for his roles in the Terminator film series, has since turned to politics and then climate activism.

He said he would attend COP26 "no matter what" and that he "cannot wait to be part of that action".

The last guest in his series was James Cameron, who directed the first two Terminator films as well as Titanic and Avatar, and has also become well known for his environmental advocacy.

Sky News has launched the first daily prime time news show dedicated to climate change.

The Daily Climate Show is broadcast at 6.30pm and 9.30pm Monday to Friday on Sky News, the Sky News website and app, on YouTube and Twitter.

Hosted by Anna Jones, it follows Sky News correspondents as they investigate how global warming is changing our landscape and how we all live our lives.

The show also highlights solutions to the crisis and shows how small changes can make a big difference.