Cornish ghost story anthology guaranteed to have you looking over your shoulder

L-R Authors Nicola K Smith, Roz Watkins, Liz Fenwick with publisher Ron Johns <i>(Image: Supplied)</i>
L-R Authors Nicola K Smith, Roz Watkins, Liz Fenwick with publisher Ron Johns (Image: Supplied)

A chilling anthology of Cornish ghost stories just published by a Cornwall based publisher is guaranteed to have you looking over your shoulder.

13 Cornish Ghost Stories hit the shelves on June 20, featuring tales from the cream of current Cornish storytellers.

The spooky, spirit-laden collection, edited by Marie Macneill and Joanne Ella Parsons, started life as a lunch conversation between the two women at the Haunted Landscapes Conference held at Falmouth University in 2023.

“Inspired by the content of the conference we hit upon the idea of presenting 13 new ghost stories written by contemporary Cornish writers.” said Parsons.

Between the covers of this original short story collection, readers will find ghost stories set all over Cornwall, from Fowey to West Penwith, Bodmin Moor to Falmouth.

As Macneill said, “It is an eclectic and haunting mix of brand-new stories which draw inspiration from Cornwall’s romantic and treacherous land and seascapes, exploring its reputation as a place of myths and magic.”

The writers are Emily Barr; Emma Cowell; Tony Cowell; Liz Fenwick; Jane Johnson; Marie Macneill; Graham Mitchell; Annamaria Murphy; Joanne Ella Parsons; Kate Riordan; Pauline Sheppard; Nicola K Smith; and Roz Watkins.

There is a special forward by Katie Fforde, and the illustrations are by Derek Hayes.

13 Cornish Ghost Stories is published by Mabecron Books. The imprint is headed up by Ron Johns, owner of the Falmouth Bookseller, Padstow Bookseller, and St Ives Bookseller.

Ron is a strong supporter of Cornish talent and is delighted to bring 13 writers and an illustrator together in one book.

The anthology will retail at £16.99.

Orders of 13 Cornish Ghost Stories can be purchased online ( and from all good bookshops.