Coronation Street - every 2024 spoiler announced so far

Coronation Street spoilers follow.

Coronation Street kicked off 2024 with standout scenes as Liam Connor's bullying ordeal came to a head and there's plenty more drama to come across the rest of 2024.

Thanks to storyline teasers from executive producer Iain MacLeod, as well as paparazzi pictures and interviews with the cast, there are plenty of spoilers already doing the rounds for the next few months.

It's easy to miss a story or two in the fast-moving world of soap, so here's our handy guide to everything we know so far in one place.

Roy charged with murder

carla connor, roy cropper, ds swain, coronation street

Coronation Street favourite Roy Cropper is arrested for the presumed murder of Lauren Bolton next week after DS Swain starts to investigate the teenager's disappearance.

It seems that this won't just be a short-lived storyline, as recent paparazzi pictures showed David Neilson – who plays Roy – filming court scenes, which seems to suggest that he'll be charged in the coming weeks.

Coronation Street first teased this storyline when the show introduced Carla Barlow's nephew Bobby in the show's Christmas episodes, shaking up life for the factory boss shortly after the emotional departure of her husband Peter.

bobby, coronation street

Show bosses tipped Bobby for a huge 2024 storyline and we've since seen him taking the lead with raising the alarm over Lauren's disappearance.

Coronation Street's producer Iain MacLeod recently commented: "As a slightly more long-range tease, he's going to end up surprisingly in the centre of perhaps our biggest story [for 2024], which I can't say too much about now.

"He's got a brilliant classically Coronation Street role to play at the start, as this loveable, sarcastic classic Corrie feckless male – and then he abruptly finds himself in the middle of this huge story. I'm really excited about his role in the next 12 months and beyond."

Daisy and Bethany's battle for Daniel

daniel osborne, daisy midgley, bethany platt, coronation street

Bethany Platt returned to Coronation Street on New Year's Eve and reunited with her old flame Daniel Osbourne.

This was bad news for Daniel's ex-fiancée Daisy Midgeley, who was regretting the breakdown of their relationship and hoped to win him back. Daisy has since reunited with Ryan Connor, but previous comments from Corrie's boss indicated that there's a long way to go with this storyline.

Iain MacLeod teased last year: "It's a really brilliant, classic soap story. It's going to run deep into [2024] as all these unresolved feelings are buried, but like all good buried feelings, they all come back to the surface with a bang or two across the following 12 months.

"Bethany is a slightly different proposition now from when we last saw her. There's been a number of years that have elapsed, she's grown up quite a lot, and she's had the beginnings of a successful journalism career in London. She turns back up and is instantly a foe for Daisy.

"They're very evenly matched now. Bethany might once have seemed like a younger woman or a girl – she's very much more a woman now, more on Daisy's level, so it's a really heavyweight tussle between these two women."

Bethany's huge storyline

bethany platt, coronation street

Aside from the love triangle plot, Bethany takes centre stage in one of Coronation Street's biggest storylines for 2024.

Iain MacLeod said: "Much like Bobby, Bethany will also find herself in the centre of this huge story that we've got.

"So she's coming back with this clear romantic purpose in the Daniel story, but then will fairly quickly find herself in the midst of this massive story that's going to span most of [2024]. It's really exciting stuff."

Lucy Fallon, who plays Bethany, has since confirmed that this will involve her character investigating Lauren's disappearance.

She told TV Times: "Bethany feels it's her duty to track down where Lauren is.

"I'm looking forward to seeing how this story plays out, and I'm excited for the audience to find out what has happened to Lauren."

Paul's final months

paul foreman, coronation street

Paul Foreman's tragic death is likely to air in 2024, as doctors informed him in November that he only had six to 12 months left to live.

Paul has previously confided in Todd Grimshaw about his plans to take control of his own death with an assisted dying plan once his Motor Neurone Disease (MND) symptoms get worse. The show hasn't yet confirmed whether he'll ultimately go ahead with this or not.

Speaking last year Peter Ash – who plays Paul – commented: "[Coronation Street producer] Iain MacLeod said that they had a big storyline for me and it should be a great thing to do, but unfortunately, it would mean an eventual exit.

"I had mixed feelings, obviously. I'll be sad to leave the show – it's been such an amazing job and I've met fantastic people.

"But also, I'm quite happy to be involved in such a powerful storyline that hopefully will bring awareness to MND. It's also going to be quite a progression of Paul's illness."

Joseph's surprising future

joseph, linda hancock, coronation street

Jacqueline Leonard headed back to Coronation Street for the start of a longer stint late last year, reprising her role as Joseph Brown's maternal grandmother Linda Hancock.

Linda sparked trouble when she was among those who wrongly accused Gemma Winter-Brown of poisoning Joseph.

With that now resolved, Linda tries to make amends with the family by offering to pay for Joseph to attend private school Oakhill – sparking the beginning of a bigger storyline.

Iain MacLeod explained: "[Linda] decides that she's going to fix all this and starts throwing money at the situation, which puts Chesney and Gemma in this impossible quandary – in that by accepting financial help from Linda, they're giving up control of Joseph's life.

"They feel: 'This is our son and we should be making these decisions'. It doesn't feel right that Linda is wading in with her chequebook and saving the day. But on the other side of it, they have to prioritise what's right for Joseph, who is having a hard time and could do with the support."

He added: "[The story is] going to be a long runner for us. I suppose the tease that I might give you is that we are taking the very original story played with Ken Barlow as our inspiration.

"So, our inspiration from this dates right back to 1960, in terms of what happens next and it's all catalysed by Linda's arrival."

Damon and Harvey's story comes to a head

damon hay, coronation street

Damon Hay made his comeback in the first episode of 2024, as Ciarán Griffiths reprised the role.

Damon reunited with his ex-lover Sarah Barlow, but he's now facing further trouble from his jailed half-brother Harvey Gaskell, who's forcing him to carry out a risky criminal job. Will it all end in tears?

Tina O'Brien, who plays Sarah, recently warned: "[Sarah is] moving very fast. If I was her friend I'd be having strong words with her.

"She's very impulsive. She thinks the feelings are love but maybe it's more that she's swept up in the romance and the lust. So definitely I'm concerned for her."

She added: "I'm really worried. I do truly believe that Damon's got her best interests at heart.

"I believe he means what he says to her, but unfortunately with the life he's led and the people that he knows, the temptations to get involved in something dodgy could be too great."

Meanwhile, Will Mellor has confirmed that he has already filmed his final scenes for this stint as Harvey, which suggests the story will be coming to a head soon.

Violet returns

sean tully, dylan wilson and violet wilson in coronation street

Jenny Platt reprises her role as Dylan Wilson's mum Violet this month following the teenager's arrest for a knife crime offence.

Antony Cotton, who plays Dylan's dad Sean, announced the news in February.

He told Digital Spy and other press: "We film for four weeks, she's probably in a dozen episodes and then, who knows? This storyline is going to go on, so as long as it goes well and she enjoys it, then I'm hoping we might see her again.

"If there's more of this stuff and it gets more serious, one would imagine that we would perhaps see Violet again."

Antony has also revealed that the consequences of Dylan's involvement in Liam Connor's bullying will play out for a year.

Aadi and Amy's romance

aadi alahan, amy barlow, coronation street

Last year, Aadi Alahan covered for Amy Barlow when she tried to take revenge on a predator who was spiking women's drinks at a local club.

Show bosses previously promised that this moment would mark the beginning of a change in Aadi and Amy's relationship, which is explored further into 2024.

Speaking last October, Iain MacLeod said: "This story is a really significant staging post in our ongoing fostering of this closeness between Aadi and Amy. It's them being best friends and having each other's back, come what may.

"It's a really, really long-range love story that we're hoping to tell with them. It's going to really engage the audience."

A dark cloud hangs over The Rovers

jenny connor, coronation street

The Rovers Return opened its doors again on New Year's Eve after Daisy Midgeley resorted to drastic measures to figure out Stephen Reid's online passwords and get access to the missing Underworld money.

The Weatherfield locals celebrated as The Rovers rises from the ashes, but will Daisy end up regretting her actions?

Iain MacLeod said last year: "The interesting thing is that the circumstances of it becoming open again are all tied up with Stephen's legacy.

"Somebody will do something that is at best, naughty, at worst, slightly criminal to get their hands on the keys to the pub and reopen it. So it will reopen, but the reopening of it will be based on this slightly shaky foundation of a criminal act.

"I suppose the viewers will be wondering: 'Well, okay, so the pub is open, but what disaster will befall the person that's allowed that to happen, because it's all based on this misdeed that they've committed?'

"We didn't want it to just open up again and it was like nothing had ever happened. We wanted it to open up with this kind of buried bomb underneath it that we will explode later in [2024]."

Lucy Fallon, who plays Bethany, has since confirmed that her character will start investigating Daisy's secrecy after spotting that her rival has bought some fancy new clothes.

bethany platt, daisy midgeley, coronation street

She told TV Times: "Daisy says she's been to charity shops, but Bethany knows it's all designer stuff, and thinks, 'This doesn't add up'. Because Bethany doesn't like Daisy, she hopes there's something going on and she can catch her out."

Bethany spies her chance when Daisy invites her to a dinner party at the pub alongside Daniel and Ryan.

Lucy added: "Bethany offers to help Daisy prepare the meal, and when Daisy goes into the bar, Bethany starts snooping.

"She finds the receipts for the clothes, but as she looks further, she ends up finding Stephen Reid's journal. Then she starts to piece things together."

Dee-Dee meets the parents

dee dee bailey joel coronation street

Joel Deering's parents make an appearance on Coronation Street this year, giving fans some extra insight into his backstory.

Could this help Joel to make amends with his girlfriend Dee-Dee Bailey after concealing the fact that he's still married?

Calum Lill, who plays Joel, recently told Digital Spy and other press: "Joel is the middle child from a middle class family.

"He's navigating that and trying to be good enough. I'm looking forward to seeing how that unfolds."

Exit for Eliza?

yasmeen, eliza, coronation street

Stu Carpenter makes a difficult decision next week when he agrees that his granddaughter Eliza Woodrow can spend two weeks with her father Dom in Germany over Easter.

With Eliza keen to be reunited with her dad on a full-time basis, Stu promises that this can be a trial run for a potential permanent move.

Savannah Kunyo, who plays Eliza, recently hinted at a possible departure from the show when she shared a series of pictures on Instagram which included gifts from co-stars.

She told fans: "Such a special night. My Corrie friends will always hold a place in my heart."

Leanne gets involved with a cult

leanne battersby, rowan, coronation street

Coronation Street kicks off a creepy new storyline next week as Leanne Battersby accompanies Simon Barlow to an event being held by a self-help group called The Institute.

Leanne unexpectedly attracts the attention of group mentor Rowan Cunliffe, played by Emrhys Cooper, who encourages her to share her innermost thoughts and feelings.

Ben Price, who plays Leanne's partner Nick Tilsley, recently confirmed that this is the start of a new plot exploring cults.

He told Digital Spy and other press: "It happens, so I think it's very topical. Look how many things are on Netflix about this. I think what's good about the story is that actually, it doesn't take much for you to start believing something."

Danger for Glenda

glenda shuttleworth, sean tully, coronation street

Life has been quieter for Glenda recently, but that looks set to change in the next few weeks as she finds herself in danger.

Jodie Prenger, who plays Glenda, first teased this storyline at the start of February.

She told the Manchester Evening News: "[There's] very amazing stuff that will be coming out in six weeks but I don't know what I can say.

"It's very dramatic and I'm quite scared to film it. There's a very dramatic bit with Glenda and her life is in jeopardy."

Will Tommy O leave Tracy?

tommy orpington, tracy mcdonald, coronation street

Tracy McDonald continues to enjoy her new relationship with Tommy Orpington after her husband Steve recently discovered their affair.

However, Steve believes he may still get the last laugh after learning that Tommy is considering a new job as an assistant coach at a football academy in Spain. Will he leave Tracy or invite her to come with him?

Matt Milburn, who plays Tommy, told Digital Spy and other press: "I think he's maybe a little bit torn. I think in the back of his mind, he probably would want to give it a go with Tracy.

"But then at the same time, I think there's the fear that should he drop his guard and maybe ask Tracy if she wants to go with him, but if she wasn't on the same page, he won't want to get burned again. He's fighting with that."

Helen Lederer guest stars

helen lederer
Karwai Tang - Getty Images

Absolutely Fabulous star Helen Lederer makes a guest appearance on Corrie for one episode in April.

Helen's involvement in the ITV soap was first revealed at the end of January and more details will be shared within the next few weeks.

Simon says goodbye

simon  coronation street

Alex Bain is expected to leave his role as Simon Barlow on Coronation Street this year.

News of Simon's exit leaked out in December last year and the long-running character was tipped to bow out in summer 2024. Alex hasn't commented on the reports so far.

Beth leaves the cobbles

beth tinker, coronation street

Lisa George is also rumoured to be leaving Coronation Street, as first revealed in tabloid reports in December.

Lisa hasn't commented publicly on these reports yet, except to confirm that she's still currently filming.

Coronation Street airs on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 8pm on ITV1 and streams on ITVX.

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