Coronation Street fans fear icon's death and say 'calling it' as trailer prompts new Lauren Bolton theory

Lauren Bolton in Coronation Street
Lauren Bolton in Coronation Street -Credit:ITV

Coronation Street fans have been left fearing for one of the soap's most iconic characters as the truth about Lauren Bolton is set to be revealed. The teen has now been missing for several weeks and what was initially a missing persons case has since become a murder probe.

Lauren was last seen in Weatherfield on February 23 after being sacked from her job at Roy's Rolls by Roy. The cafe owner later visited her with her wages and some extra cash to tide her over. But soon after, the teen was visited at home by a mystery person who viewers never got to see.

As a result, she hasn't been seen alive since and it was her new love interest and Carla Connor's nephew Bobby found her flat unlocked and eerily empty.

READ MORE: Coronation Street spoilers as soap confirms Lauren Bolton's killer in 'climactic week of episodes'

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And while Bobby did report Lauren as missing to the police but it wasn't until Sean Tully was viewing the flat and revealed he'd spotted blood on the curtains the case really began into her disappearance. And when the blood was confirmed as being Lauren's, the missing person case became a murder probe.

Weeks on, and with Roy imprisoned awaiting trial for murder, Corrie has confirmed a special week of episodes 'like no other' which will see the Weatherfield stalwart's prison hell come to a head while recently returned predator Nathan Curtis is firmly put on the police’s radar as viewers discover what really happened on the fateful night that Lauren disappeared.

In a new gripping promo from ITV Studios, Corrie fans see just how the week will play out with the tension building as the long-running soap is stripped across five nights from Monday (May 27) with the first four episodes reliving the same day but through different characters’ eyes.

Fans see Sarah determined to rid daughter Bethany of her evil ex-abuser Nathan who has been making his presence felt once more. With Bethany threatening to leave Weatherfield, Sarah is determined to prove that Nathan is behind Lauren’s disappearance, whatever the stakes.

Meanwhile, Carla and Bobby are under pressure, accused of perverting the course of justice as they desperately try to clear Roy’s name. But as DS Swain also has Nathan in her sights and the evidence against him mounting. Are the police about to nail their man or is there still more to this mystery than meets the eye?

Elsewhere, as Dee-dee fights for justice for Roy, far-right activist Griff lands back in Weatherfield prison where Roy is on remand awaiting trial for Lauren’s murder. With old scores to settle and revenge on his mind, Griff takes it upon himself to try and force a confession out of Roy. Believing him to be Lauren’s killer, Griff is out for blood and it soon becomes clear that Roy is in grave danger.

But as Roy’s life hangs in the balance an invaluable piece of evidence which could clear the innocent cafe owner’s name will come to light in a shocking revelation for the viewers. The week ends as a new day dawns in Friday’s episode and the mystery of Lauren’s fate continues to be unravelled.

Following the release of the trailer, Corrie fans have been left fearing for Roy after spotting a tell-tale clue. @erla_loveee pointed out: "Wait this is the same song Roy played for Hayley when she died... please nooooo."

But they've also now got a new theory involving an unlikely suspect following her appearance in the trailer with the necklace which once belonged to Lauren.

@paularichards75 said: "I've just thought. That's Hope with a necklace the same as Lauren's. Wasn't she chatting online some time ago to someone?????" @townende77 added: "Omg hope got necklace from Lauren." @LoRainieCross added: "I'm calling it! Hope Stape killed Lauren! #Corrie."