Coronation Street spoilers next week with surprise return, new target and tragic funeral

Abi and Kevin Webster in Coronation Street
-Credit: (Image: ITV)

Abi Webster believes she's a step closer to figuring out who is behind the shocking deep fake porn videos next week in Coronation Street. It actually starts with Bethany Platt who returns home from her interview and tells Sarah Barlow that she got the job but she’s dreading her first assignment.

Bethany then calls at the garage and tells Abi that she got the job at the magazine but the first article they want her to write is in support of Corey Brent, leaving her horrified. Later, Abi tells her husband Kevin that she’s done some digging and that Stefan Brent, Corey's dad, is a board director of the production company that made the documentary.

She also revealed he also owns the magazine and he must have created the deep fake videos out of revenge. Having reported Stefan to the police, Abi and Kevin watch as DS Swain drags him into an interview room, fervently hoping that their nightmare will soon be over.

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Bethany then calls at the garage and tells Abi that she’ll quit her job if it’s what she wants, but it could be useful to have someone on the inside to keep tabs on Stefan. Kevin calls on Bethany and tells her that if she really wants to help, she can lend him her security pass to Stefan’s offices and Bethany reluctantly hands it over.

The following day, Abi asks Kevin about him getting up in the night he puts it down to stress but later calls into the salon with a stolen mobile phone and asks Max Turner if he can hack into it. When Tyron Dobbs opens an email to find a video of Kevin breaking into Stefan’s office, Kev assures him it is another deep fake video.

But after Bethany sees Max with the phone she realises Kevin stole it and tells him not to drag her family into the situation. When Kevin turns up at Stefan’s office, Stefan says his video footage of Kevin breaking and entering could land him in jail. Meanwhile, Abi is shocked when she overhears Tyrone telling Craig Tinker that Kevin has been the victim of a deep fake video and when Kevin returns to No.13, he finds Abi and Craig waiting. Will he report Stefan?

Stefan Brent in back -Credit:ITV
Stefan Brent in back -Credit:ITV

Elsewhere, Leanne Battersby announces that she’s paying for Rose’s funeral out of her savings. Outside the undertakers, George Shuttleworth places Rose’s coffin in the hearse but having spotted Rowan Cuncliffe watching from Victoria Garden, a furious Toyah Battersby races over and, giving him a shove, orders him to stay away as he’s not welcome while Leanne watches with horror.

Later, with the funeral over, Leanne admits that she hasn’t any savings and Rowan paid for the funeral. Leanne then heads off, leaving Nick Tilsley in total despair and Toyah confronts Rowan and tells him that she’s going to do everything she can to expose him for the vile man he really is, leaving him shaken.

Toyah then returns home to find Nick alone and he apologises for Leanne’s behaviour and Toyah breaks down. Nick takes her in his arms and they kiss passionately, unaware that from the derelict builder’s yard, a man is watching them intently, while Leanne meets up with Rowan for an upload session.

Toyah rails at Rowan over her daughter's funeral -Credit:ITV
Toyah rails at Rowan over her daughter's funeral -Credit:ITV

Having enjoyed an afternoon of sex, Nick and Toyah agree that it mustn’t happen again and they should stay out of each other’s way as much as possible. But later, Toyah tells Nick that they’ve little choice but to come clean to Leanne about their brief affair.

A smug Rowan is holding a meeting in the Bistro much to Nick and Toyah’s dismay. Rowan corners Toyah and hands her a copy of the NDA, suggesting she signs it. When Toyah makes it clear she won’t be blackmailed and she intends to come clean, Rowan points out that it’ll destroy Leanne but he’ll be happy to pick up the pieces, leaving Toyah sickened.

Rowan then makes a speech and announces that Leanne has been promoted to level 5 and he couldn’t be more proud of her. The members clap and Leanne basks in the glory while Nick and Toyah watch in disgust. At the end of the week, a police officer visits Toyah to inform her she will face no charges for burying her baby. Toyah feels like a weight has been lifted.

Meanwhile, Joel Deering confides in Dee-Dee Bailey about his sadness at keeping their engagement from his parents. Joel spots Sabrina in a state of distress outside the police station and learns her brother has been arrested. Joel hands her his business card and tells her to give him a call. As Sabrina’s friend joins her, Joel heads inside, pleased to have found a new target.

Also, Chesney and Gemma Brown tell Bernie Winter that the boiler is beyond repair and they’re waiting for the landlord to fit a new one. The landlord calls at No.5 and insists he wants a second opinion on the boiler. Later, Gemma resolves to chase the landlord again over the new boiler. Having had no luck with the landlord, Chesney tells Gemma that he’ll look into installing an electric shower as they’re far cheaper than a boiler.

But Dee Dee soon informs Gemma that her landlord could be fined for failing to carry out essential repairs to No.5’s boiler if she reported him. Will her advice work? Meanwhile, as Joseph is dropped home by his school friend Olly’s posh mum, Chesney’s gutted to realise Joseph has made out he runs a successful catering empire.

Amy thinks Steve has feelings for Cassie -Credit:ITV
Amy thinks Steve has feelings for Cassie -Credit:ITV

And in the Rovers, Steve McDonald, Amy Barlow and Daniel Osbourne discuss care package options for Ken Barlow after his fall and wonder how on earth they’re going to fund them. Cassie Plummer listens with interest and later offers to be Ken’s carer for a quarter the price of a professional. Daniel and Amy reckon it’s a good idea and Steve reluctantly agrees leaving Cassie thrilled.

Steve makes out to Ken that Cassie’s a qualified carer and they hired her through an agency. However, when Cassie starts work at No.1, she reveals that she’s had no training and only stepped in to help out and save the family a bit of cash and Ken’s quietly furious. Cassie later sets Ken straight, explaining that she was honest with Steve from the off and never pretended to have any qualifications, will she win him round?

When Cassie arrives for work at No.1, Steve relishes informing her that her first task is to cut Ken’s toenails and Cassie swallows her disgust. Enjoying Cassie’s company, Ken suggests they go out for a spot of lunch. Amy is amused at how much Cassie gets under her dad’s skin and suggests to Steve that there’s a spark between him and Cassie and he’s in denial about his attraction to her. Steve firmly denies it and Amy hides her amusement.