Coronation Street star Claire Sweeney on dramatic arrival for Tyrone's mum Cassie

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Coronation Street kicks off a huge new storyline for Tyrone Dobbs next week, as his long-lost mum Cassie turns up in Weatherfield.

Former Brookside star Claire Sweeney has landed the role of Cassie, who'll turn life for Tyrone and his grandmother Evelyn upside-down over the coming months.

Ever since Evelyn arrived on the cobbles, she has made out that her daughter Cassie – Tyrone's mother – is dead. However, in upcoming scenes, viewers will see that Evelyn remains in touch with Cassie, who's very much alive.

cassie and evelyn plummer in coronation street

Next week, Evelyn ignores Cassie when she spots her lurking on the cobbles, but she later receives a worrying call about her daughter suffering an overdose.

When Cassie later discharges herself from hospital, she turns up at Tyrone's house and leaves Evelyn in a panic, wondering how much she'll reveal.

Claire recently caught up with Digital Spy and other press to discuss the drama ahead.

How would you describe the character of Cassie?

"I love Cassie and I hope the audience love her as much as I do. She's vulnerable, she's troubled and she's got major problems. As I'm reading the scripts, I want her to sort herself out because we all love Tyrone – you don't want anything to upset him, do you? It's nice to see a different side to Evelyn as a mother as well.

"Cassie is feisty and she's going to cause some trouble on the cobbles. She's a loose cannon, but then she's vulnerable as well."

Can you tell us about Cassie's arrival?

"Cassie has got a problem – she's an addict. That's what makes her so unpredictable and a loose cannon. She really does have great intentions to get better and to be with the family, but she's an addict and it is quite sad, really.

"Evelyn has had a relationship with Cassie for a while, and people don't know about that. Evelyn is providing on and off support and helping her.

"Then Cassie turns up on the Street and she wants to see Tyrone. She wants to get clean, she wants to be involved with the family. She's a tough girl, but there's a vulnerability with her where she needs a mum, and her mum can help. So, Cassie turns up for help."

Evelyn was away helping Cassie last time she took a break from the Street, wasn't she?

"Yes, we find out that Evelyn was helping Cassie get clean at that point. Poor Cassie – she gets clean and then falls back into her old ways again.

"The first scene I filmed was a 14-page two-hander with Dame Maureen Lipman, who I'm a massive fan of. A normal scene is three or four pages. I thought: 'Well, that's a baptism of fire!'

"Working with Maureen – she was just like a masterclass, she was so fantastic. I'm really looking forward to doing more stuff with her and with Alan [Halsall, who plays Tyrone]. I did my screen test with Alan and what wonderful actor he is as well. So, I'm surrounded by great people."

claire sweeney as cassie in coronation street

How does Evelyn react to Cassie's arrival?

"Well, Evelyn has been living a lie, hasn't she? She has not told the truth to Tyrone and suddenly the truth is in front of her. Evelyn has told Tyrone that his mother is dead and then Cassie turns up.

"So first of all, Tyrone is going to find out that his mother is alive and his grandma's been lying to him. That's a whole scenario that is going to unfold before our eyes.

"So Evelyn wants Cassie out the way. Evelyn loves Tyrone and she loves the children, so she wants to protect them because she knows Cassie is a loose cannon and she'll cause problems. She wants to protect them and keep them in their little happy bubble."

Can you tease where things are going in the longer term?

"Cassie is going to cause havoc. She is a live wire. But not only is there great drama, you've also got that wonderful Corrie humour, which we love. One minute you laugh and one minute you're crying and that is the wonderful thing about Corrie."

Will Cassie share any scenes with Abi, who's been through similar addiction issues?

"I think that might be on the cards. I don't know if Abi wants to help Cassie or not – I don't know that far in the storyline. But there are a few scenes with them together coming up."

How did your involvement in Corrie come about?

"My agent got an email asking me to do a self-tape. It came at 6pm and they wanted it the next day. It was one of those times when I'd been really busy working and it was the only night off.

"Luckily, I was at home. I phoned my mate who's an actor and I said to him: 'Can you come over? I've got this self-tape to do'. It was a big scene, but there were no names on it. There was no Tyrone, there was no Evelyn – it was different names, I think to protect the privacy of the script.

"It was a two hander, I learned it and I did it in my bed. Which wasn't appropriate really because I've got a big flash silver over- the-top bed and the scene was supposed to be in a hospital bed!

"They seemed to like it and then they asked me to come up and do a chemistry test with Alan who plays Tyrone."

claire sweeney
Karwai Tang - Getty Images

How did you feel when you got the part?

"When I got the part on Brookside, it was my birthday – April 17. When I got the part of Cassie, it was also my birthday! I was in Majorca with my family and my agent swore me to secrecy, insisting that I was not allowed to tell anyone.

"So, I had my mates calling me up to wish me happy birthday. Even my mate Tony, who I did the audition with, he said to me, 'Wouldn't it be lovely for you to get the part on your birthday?' I wasn't allowed to say anything! So I got two parts in soap operas on my birthday, which was the best present ever.

"I just want to say about [Coronation Street producer] Iain [MacLeod], as well. Over the past few years, I've done a little bit on Benidorm, Scarborough, a drama I filmed last year – not massive parts, but wanting to get back and do some really great acting.

"I never dreamed Corrie would an option. Iain has given me a chance and it just takes that one person to believe in you and go: 'Yeah, you can do it. Give her a chance'. And I'm so grateful for that."

Have you ever auditioned for the show before?

"I've never auditioned and I've never been seen for it. But I always thought if I was to do another soap opera, Corrie would be the dream one for me. I've grown watching it. I remember as a kid sitting down and being obsessed with Pat Phoenix initially, then Bet Lynch.

"It's just been iconic and part of my childhood, with all of these wonderful women in the show over the years and the comedy. So Corrie is a dream role."

Cassie doesn't look like the glamorous Claire that people expect. Did that appeal to you when you took on the role?

"It really does. I'm not vain, I'm an actress. On the first day of filming on the cobbles, one of the extras said to me: 'Oh, we didn't recognise you'. I thought that was brilliant – that's how I wanted to be. I want her to be so far removed from me.

"The minute I get the clothes on, the leggings, the converse and the cap, looking really rough, I become that character. It'd be interesting to see if she does end up a little bit glam if she sorts herself out, I don't know that far yet."

How did you feel on your first day?

"I felt like an impostor. I had proper impostor syndrome, like I'd snuck in on one of the tours. I couldn't believe it. Honestly, I'm such a fan.

"I've said before that if it was Hollywood or Corrie, give me Corrie any day! Not that Hollywood was an option, but for me, it's the equivalent. It's just so wonderful. It's an institution. It's the soap we've all grown up with."

After doing a lot of theatre, did you feel the time was right to do more television again?

"I'm also a mum as well. I'm a single mum to my 8-year-old son Jackson. So my decisions are not only based on the love of what I do, they are based on stability for me and my son. I'm 52 years of age now.

"Not only is Corrie the best soap for me, not only is Cassie a wonderful part, working with Maureen and Alan and all these wonderful people, the job also had stability.

"I don't know how long it will last, as I never take anything for granted in this business. But just to have that stability for a while as well, it's just come at the right time. It's not touring in a musical in a different place every week and then rushing home. I'll get my full weekends with my boy now, which is lovely."

Coronation Street airs on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 8pm on ITV1 and streams on ITVX.

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