Coronation Street star Denise Black taken to hospital after fall

Former Coronation Street and Emmerdale star Denise Black has been taken to hospital after suffering a fall.

The actress revealed that she has broken bones in her arm and foot due to the accident, though is now thankfully on the mend.

"Now I'm mending I can tell you. I broke my wonky arm. As I fell I dropped what I was carrying which broke my foot. Know Hoffnung's Bricklayers joke? Google it. I am that joke," she wrote on social media (via Yahoo).

denise black on loose women
Ken McKay/ITV/Shutterstock

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"Humungous shoutout to doctors and nurses far and wide, very especially our beloved NHS. You make humans seem like GOOD people."

The star revealed that she is also continuing to work, adding: "Great news is I'm still filming. Even better news is I'm mending. Sure, I may be wonkier than before, but in truth, aren't all the best people? Inside and out #embraceyourwonkiness #thankyounhs."

Denise is perhaps best known for playing Denise Osbourne on Coronation Street, as well as Joanie Wright on Emmerdale.

denise black
Karwai Tang - Getty Images

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Speaking back in 2021, the actress addressed a possible return to Coronation Street, having last appeared in 2017.

"I saw on social media recently that Denise had given Daniel £40,000 – she's doing better than me!" she joked to Inside Soap at the time. "Having seen Daniel as a man now, I could never understand why Denise didn't go back; maybe we'll find out, maybe we won't. If there was a need for Denise and the story was good, then I would love to go back."

Coronation Street airs on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 8pm on ITV1 and streams on ITVX.

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