Corrie's Sarah Barlow to grow suspicious over Stephen Reid

Coronation Street spoilers follow.

Coronation Street's Sarah Barlow will become the latest person to harbour suspicions over Stephen Reid next week, as she starts to spot some unusual patterns in her killer uncle's behaviour.

The twist begins when Angelique Simmons breaks the news to the Underworld team that her company won't be renewing the Nippersnapper contract that was secured earlier this year.

Stephen responds to the news by telling Sarah, Carla Barlow and Michael Bailey that he would consider buying the company outright.

gail rodwell, audrey roberts, coronation street

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However, Tim Metcalfe surprises Sarah by warning her that Stephen is a liar who claimed that he was coercively controlled by his ex-wife, Gabrielle, but later tried to pass her off as a business consultant for the factory.

Sarah later discovers that Gail Rodwell and Audrey Roberts both knew about Gabrielle's supposed treatment of Stephen, and she decides to give Gabrielle a call to get to the bottom of things. What will Gabrielle say when she hears from Sarah?

Meanwhile, Audrey shows Gail a statement from an equity release company, after Stephen secretly released equity from her house earlier this year without telling her.

sarah barlow, coronation street

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Sarah's suspicions continue to grow when Audrey shows her the equity release letter and wonders if it has anything to do with the estate agent visit that Stephen organised for her house.

This is yet more proof that Stephen may have been up to no good behind his family's backs.

Later on, in the factory, Sarah overhears Stephen talking to Jenny Connor, who he manages to seduce next week, on the phone about the Rovers Return deal. Wrongly assuming that he's speaking to Angelique about the Nippersnapper situation, she decides to follow him.

stephen reid, coronation street

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After tailing Stephen, Sarah finds him at the hotel and threatens to call the police, believing that he's about to pull a fast one on the deal.

Has Stephen lost Sarah's support for good - and could this put her in danger of becoming yet another of Stephen's victims?

Coronation Street airs on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 8pm on ITV1 and streams on ITVX.

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