Could you give a home to a guide dog puppy?

Could you give a guide dog a home in Suffolk? <i>(Image: Guide Dogs)</i>
Could you give a guide dog a home in Suffolk? (Image: Guide Dogs)

Guide dog puppies need loving homes this summer so a sight loss charity can continue its work in Suffolk.

Guide Dogs provides pooches to those who have sight loss but the charity needs volunteers to look after the puppies before they start their official training.

Long-term puppy raisers are required to look after the dogs for 12 months, teach them basic commands and introduce them to different social environments.

Earlier this month two eight-week old puppies left Guide Dogs’ National Centre in Leamington Spa last week and travelled to Suffolk to live with their volunteer Puppy Raisers, whom they’ll stay with for around 12 months.

Fay McAllister, puppy development advisor for Suffolk, said: “Pixel and Charlie are our latest recruits to join our Puppy Raising scheme in Suffolk.

Pixel will be spending 12 months in Suffolk (Image: Guide Dogs)

“We want to expand our Puppy Raising schemes in both Suffolk and Norfolk, so we can raise more pups in these areas.

“To do this, we need more local volunteers who’d be happy to help us.

“Being a Puppy Raiser for Guide Dogs is an exciting and rewarding opportunity to raise a guide dog puppy and prepare them for their future role supporting someone with sight loss.

“It is a long-term volunteering role, as each puppy will live with you for at least a year.

“We’ll provide all the support and training you need, so you feel well equipped to care for your puppy when they arrive with you.

“We also cover all the costs involved, such as food and veterinary care.

“If you’d like to find out more about becoming a Puppy Raiser for Guide Dogs in Suffolk, please do get in touch.

“With your support, we can help train more life-changing guide dogs for people in the UK living with sight loss.”

Volunteers must be 18 and have suitable housing and the ability to access online training.