Council convenes Tuesday evening

Feb. 19—Tuesday's City Council meeting includes more Lowry detention project payments under the Public Works Authority agenda andplanning commission appointments along with minute approval for a special Council meeting held Feb. 8.

The Council convenes its public meeting Tuesday 6 p.m. in City Hall Council Chambers, 104 South Muskogee, 6 p.m.

Elected city officials, known as the City Council, handle the business of the Claremore Cultural Development Authority, the Claremore Public Works Authority and the Claremore City Council.

Under the city agenda, the Mayor's report requests approval of two appointments to the Claremore-Rogers County Metropolitan Area Planning Commission: — Christine Kihega for a term that expires January 2025. — Stephani Freeman for a re-appointment to a 4-year term expiring in December 2027.

The Council agenda also includes the monthly request for approval of the "actual salary claims" which totaled $630,604.34 for Jan. 20, the estimate of claims and payroll for the next pay period and approval of minutes from the Feb. 5 and Feb. 8 special council meeting.

The Feb. 8 meeting agenda was not posted on under the Meetings and Agenda page. Posting online is not required under Oklahoma Open Records laws.

Two Lowry detention project payments are listed on the PWA agenda. These include a $1,084.65 reimbursement payment for credit card purchases related to the project. The second Lowry request for payment if from Contractor Solutions for $10,845. City engineer Garrett Ball has submitted these requests.