Council offices forced to close as vandals smash windows

The council office windows were smashed by vandals <i>(Image: Google Maps/Streetview)</i>
The council office windows were smashed by vandals (Image: Google Maps/Streetview)

Council offices have been forced to close after vandals smashed the windows.

Hastings Borough Council's offices at Muriel Matters House in Breeds Place, Hastings, were temporarily shut on Thursday for face-to-face meetings as a result of the damage.

The council initially hoped to reopen within hours however the closure has now been extended until tomorrow.

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People requiring council services have been told they can call 01424 451066 or go online.

A spokesman for the council said: "The damage to the windows at Muriel Matters House is now unlikely to be fixed until tomorrow.

"We apologise for any inconvenience, please telephone or use My Hastings while the contact centre is closed."

No further information about the incident has been released at this time.

Photographs from the scene show various parts of the glass council walls smashed and shattered.

Hastings Borough Council has been approached for comment on the matter.