Newark By-Election: Farage Concedes Defeat

Counting is under way in the Newark by-election in Nottinghamshire, where voters have been deciding on a replacement for former Tory MP Patrick Mercer.

Sky News Political Editor Adam Boulton, who is in Newark, said: "Early indications from the UKIP people at the count are that they don't think they have quite made it.

"(But) it might be another good second place, as we've seen at previous by-elections this parliament. Their best performance was getting 27%."

As he arrived at the count, UKIP leader Nigel Farage told Sky News he thinks the Conservative party will hold the seat.

However, he insisted the party had made a significant dent in the Tory vote.

He said: "I think we've done well. I think it will be our best ever by-election performance. I think whatever Roger's efforts we're not probably going to quite overturn a lead the Conservatives had over us in the last election here of 25,000 votes. It'll be reduced quite a lot."

He added: "Well you know the Conservatives were 25,000 votes ahead of us here in 2010 and it looks like that's going to be reduced to 2,500 so for us it will be our strongest ever by-election performance. The people's army is getting more professional and better at what it does."

UKIP decided to field a candidate after their strong showing in the European and local elections.

Mr Farage's party chose former Tory MEP Roger Helmer as their candidate.

The Tories chose Robert Jenrick, a director at famous auction house Christie's, as the man to hopefully hold on to the East Midlands seat.

However, in the run-up to the poll, he was criticised by Roger Helmer over claims he owns three homes collectively worth £5m.

Mr Helmer said the 32-year-old was "charming" but out of touch with ordinary voters.

Chris Grayling, the Secretary of State for Justice, defended his "successful" Tory colleague and said UKIP were using desperate tactics.

Labour's candidate in the town is Michael Payne, while David Watts is running for the Liberal Democrats.

The by-election was triggered after Mr Mercer quit following allegations he took cash for asking questions in Parliament. He won by 16,152 votes from Labour in 2010.

The returning officer in Newark told Sky News he hopes to have the by-election result sometime around 3am.

Official turnout has been announced as 52.8%.

There have been 11 candidates in total standing in the Nottinghamshire constituency.

They are: Paul Baggaley (Ind), David Bishop (Bus Pass Elvis), Nick The Flying Brick (Monster Raving Loony), Andy Hayes (Ind), Roger Helmer (UKIP), Robert Jenrick (Con), David Kirwan (Green), Michael Payne (Lab), Dick Rodgers (Stop Commercial Banks Owning Britain's Money), David Watts (Lib Dem), Lee Woods (Patriotic Socialist).