Couple with 13 children say they spend £3,000 a month on food alone

Alexis Brett, 43, has 11 boys and two girls, aged 20 to five months, with her husband Davie, a train driver, in Dingwall, Scotland.

PIC BY CATERS NEWS (PICTURED The Brett family from Dingwall, Dad Davie with Rothagaide on his shoulders and mum Alexis with baby Cameron, boys L-R Blake, Mack, Hunter, Brahn, Brodie, Lachlan, Corey, Harrison and Campbell.) A family of ten boys - who finally welcomed a little sister this year - have revealed how they manage to work their way round what should be a chaotic Christmas. Alexis and David Brett start prepping for their next years Christmas the moment they've finished celebrating the big day - as this time of year leads to a house full of excitement and lots of questions regarding Santa. Only four months on from the birth of their first girl, Cameron, the family are preparing for their biggest Christmas yet. Alexis and her husband David, 45, a train driver, who also suffers from early onset Parkinson's Disease, admitted they were nervous about having a girl after so many years of boys, at first - but the little one has slotted right into the family home in Iverness, Scotland. SEE CATERS NEWS
Alexis and Davie Brett with 11 of their children - they have added two more since this photo was taken. (Caters)

A couple with 13 children have revealed how they spend £3,000 on food each month.

Alexis Brett, 43, has 11 boys and two girls, aged 20 to five months, with her husband Davie, a train driver.

The large family share a five-bedroom home in the town of Dingwall in Scotland.

The couple say their monthly household bill reaches £5,650, about £3,000 of which is spent on food alone.

Alexis says they spend £15 a day on just crisps.

Their monthly energy bills are about £750, while £500 goes on rent, £300 on travel and £600 on new clothes and shoes.

Alexis vacuums their home four times a day and deals with a mountain of washing and drying.


Her daily routine begins at 5.30am and finishes at 11.30pm.

CATERS NEWS (PICTURED L-R Alexia, Scarlet, Orran and David together) One of Britain's largest families has laid bare the family's military-style routine - and revealed the extortionate cost of keeping a household of 15 running after recently adding a thirteenth child to their household. Super mum Alexis Brett manages a mountain of washing and drying, vacuums the family's five bedroom home four times a day and forks out £15 a day on crisps to feed her brood. Her 18 hour daily routine starts at 5.30am before she finally collapses into bed at 11.30pm - and barring any children waking in the night, she starts all over again the next day at their home in Dingwall, Inverness-shire. But she and husband Davie say they wouldn't be without their huge family - although they've finally agreed after their thirteenth child, Scarlet, was born last August, they won't be having any more. SEE CATERS COPY
Alexis and Davie Brett with the two youngest of their 13 children, baby Scarlet and Orran. (Caters)

The couple say they love having a big family but have vowed not to have any more children.

They are parents to Campbell, 20, Harrison, 19, Corey, 17, Lachlan, 14, Brodie, 12, Brahn, 11, Hunter, nine, Mack, eight, Blake, six, Rothagaidh, five, Cameron, four, Orran, one, and Scarlet, five months.

The family can easily spend £120 on a daily top-up shop in Tesco and go through seven litres of milk, three loaves of bread, one giant box of cereal and two multipacks of crisps each day.

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Their clothes are cleaned in a 14kg washing machine which still gets used three times a day, while the family's two tumble dryers are spinning four times every 24 hours.

Alexis, who plans to return to work as a gym instructor soon, said: "We've said no more children for a long time now and then another one just comes along.


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CATERS NEWS (PICTURED Alexis a mum of 13, coming back with some shopping) One of Britain's largest families has laid bare the family's military-style routine - and revealed the extortionate cost of keeping a household of 15 running after recently adding a thirteenth child to their household. Super mum Alexis Brett manages a mountain of washing and drying, vacuums the family's five bedroom home four times a day and forks out £15 a day on crisps to feed her brood. Her 18 hour daily routine starts at 5.30am before she finally collapses into bed at 11.30pm - and barring any children waking in the night, she starts all over again the next day at their home in Dingwall, Inverness-shire. But she and husband Davie say they wouldn't be without their huge family - although they've finally agreed after their thirteenth child, Scarlet, was born last August, they won't be having any more. SEE CATERS COPY
Alexis Brett coming back from the shop with supplies for her 13 children. (Caters)

"I think this time we have to mean it though, we're at capacity.

"We've had to buy triple bunk beds so everyone has somewhere to sleep.

"And we've shelled out for two huge corner sofas so we can all sit down at once."

Alexis says she refuses to allow the children to wear hand-me-downs, making sure the younger kids all have new clothes and shoes.

The couple say they don't claim any benefits, relying on Davie's career as a train driver and Alexis's part-time work to pay their bills, as Britain continues to grapple with a cost of living crisis.

"Things have got significantly tighter with the cost of living rising," she said.

"Every penny that comes into the house goes out again, but we do try to be careful with our money.

PIC BY CATERS NEWS - (PICTURED Alexis Brett with her ten boys and new baby daughter .From left: Corey (14); Dad David (44) (holding Rothagaidh, two); Blake (3) (holding mumís hand); Alexis (39) with baby Cameron; Campbell (17); Brodie (9) (next to Alexis); Harrison (16) (platinum blond hair); Brahn (8); Hunter (6); Lachlan (11); and Mack (5).) A family of ten boys - who finally welcomed a little sister this year - have revealed how they manage to work their way round what should be a chaotic Christmas. Alexis and David Brett start prepping for their next years Christmas the moment they've finished celebrating the big day - as this time of year leads to a house full of excitement and lots of questions regarding Santa. Only four months on from the birth of their first girl, Cameron, the family are preparing for their biggest Christmas yet. Alexis and her husband David, 45, a train driver, who also suffers from early onset Parkinson's Disease, admitted they were nervous about having a girl after so many years of boys, at first - but the little one has slotted right into the family home in Iverness, Scotland. SEE CATERS NEWS
Alexis and Davie Brett had 10 boys before they had their first girl. (Caters)

"We don't really have a lot of meals out, I tend to batch cook big meals like spaghetti bolognese, and we don't do big family holidays."


Davie spends at least £300 a month on petrol driving the children around in their Land Rover.

Alexis said: "Once you hit about five children, you really don't notice the extra ones. There's just a lot of people everywhere and a lot of noise.

"We have to be quite regimented about things like homework - we come in from school and they all sit down and get on with it, and they're pretty good at putting themselves to bed too.

"Luckily, we've been blessed with good sleepers, so we do usually get a full night's sleep.

"We wouldn't change it for the world."