Couple who met on Tinder find out their cats are twin brothers

A couple who started dating after meeting on Tinder discovered that their cats were related – and were actually twin brothers who were separated at birth.

Cathleen Cavin and her daughter adopted a pair of kittens from an animal shelter in Petaluma, California, in 2014 while she was still a single mum.

However, it proved too tough to take care of both of them so they gave one of them up, keeping the other, who they named Ozzy.

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In 2016 Cathleen began dating Brian Herrera after matching with him on the Tinder and it was after their very first date that they discovered an amazing coincidence.

Cathleen told The Dodo: “We walked out to his back yard and I saw an orange and white cat out of the corner of my eye.

“I did a double take and walked over to the cat and could NOT believe my eyes. I knew right away that he was Ozzy’s lost brother!

Cathleen Cavin and Brian Herrera realised their cats were related after they started dating in 2016 (Facebook/Petaluma Animal Shelter)
Cathleen Cavin and Brian Herrera realised their cats were related after they started dating in 2016 (Facebook/Petaluma Animal Shelter)

“I started yelling out, ‘That’s my cat, that’s my cat!’ He just thought I was making it up or a crazy cat lady!”

However, she was no crazy cat lady as Brian adopted Ozzy’s twin brother – who he named Butter – just four days after Cathleen returned him to the shelter, according to records.

Cathleen added: “It was love at first sight when we met and the cats just solidified that we truly belong together!”

The pair have been dating ever since and plan to move in together this week – finally reuniting the long lost kitty brothers.

Cathleen said: “It will be a process but I have no doubt that the two will start snuggling again soon!”

Top pic: Facebook/Petaluma Animal Services