Couple's 'world collapsed' after losing baby daughter at 20-weeks

Natalie Lennox and Sam Booth are raising money for a cold cot at The James Cook University Hospital
-Credit: (Image: UGC)

A bereaved couple are doing a charity walk to buy a specialised hospital cold cot in memory of their daughter.

Natalie Lennox and Sam Booth were left heartbroken when a 20-week scan showed their baby girl, Isadorah, had died. The tot was delivered at The James Cook University Hospital, in Middlesbrough, in April.

Now, along with their family and friends, the Thirsk couple will be walking a marathon in the hope of raising the £2,800 needed to buy a second cold cot for the Teesside hospital.

A cold cot is a refrigerated cot that allows parents to spend more time with their deceased baby than would otherwise be possible. The cold cot helps parents to bond with their baby and aids the grieving process.

Natalie, 28, said she and Sam, 27, were both grateful to be able to spend that extra time with Isadorah. She said the hospital has one cold cot and they decided to raise money so the neonatal unit could have one of its own as well as the maternity bereavement suite.

The couple were left devastated when they were told Isadorah had died and have thrown themselves into fundraising. Natalie said: "I still have the maternal feelings like I need to be doing something for her. I almost see it as a legacy for Isadorah that her name will be put on the side of the cot."

She said at 17 weeks into her pregnancy the couple went for a gender scan and everything was fine. But, at 20 weeks when they went for another scan the baby had died.

Natalie said: "It is just the last thing you expect, you don't think that is going to happen. When it did our world just collapsed." The couple now want to do whatever they can to honour baby Isadorah and raise money for the baby loss charities which have supported them.

The sponsored walking marathon will take place on Saturday, July 20, along the Leeds to Liverpool canal. Natalie said as well as raising money for a cold cot and charities she also wants to raise awareness of baby loss and help break the stigma around it. To sponsor the couple or make a donation visit here.

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