The Coventry teenager who starred alongside Millie Bobby Brown in hit Netflix film

Brooke worked alongside Nick Robinson, Ray Winstone, and Angela Bassett for the Netflix film Damsel
Brooke (right) worked alongside Nick Robinson, Ray Winstone, and Angela Bassett for the Netflix film Damsel -Credit:Shauna Butterworth

A Coventry teenager who starred in a film alongside Stranger Things star Millie Bobby Brown has felt inspired to expand her acting portfolio. Brooke Carter plays Princess Elodie's younger sister Floria in the Netflix film Damsel.

Brooke, 14, who also starred in the Amazon TV series The Peripheral alongside Chloe Grace Moretz and film The Alienist with Luke Evans and Dakota Fanning, started her acting career at the age of five.

"When I was two years old, my mum put me into dancing and performing lessons, and I just stuck to the stage and fell in love with it. I joined an acting agency at five years old who accepted me into their books and I'm still with them now," she said.

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Her agency put her forward for the audition for Damsel: "I went to London for the first round and they called me back, then I met the director Juan and the casting director. I went again for the third time and they started calling me Princess Brooke, and one day my mum called me in the middle of school and I had to hide in the bathroom and she told me I got the job.

"I screamed and everyone stared at me and told most of my year group that I got the job with Millie Bobby Brown. I was over the moon as I didn't think I'd get it."

Filming for Damsel lasted three months, with two months in London at Pinewood Studios and one month in Portugal which Brooke said was 'so hot' in 30-degree weather wearing dresses all day.

"For my age, there were certain hours I could and couldn't work, as I had a set amount of tutoring hours. During filming, they would tell me to off-set to do tutoring but I caught up with the hours and when I was in the UK, I would go to school."

Brooke with Angela Bassett and Ray Winstone on set
Brooke with Angela Bassett and Ray Winstone on set -Credit:Shauna Butterworth

She added that working with Millie was 'so great' as Brooke described her as 'one of the best actresses'.

"She was so nice to me on set and gave me lots of tips and tricks such as, if you feel uncomfortable in a scene, you need to tell them and say no if you're uncomfortable with what they're asking you to do. I feel like that's such a big thing to know because when I'm on set, I don't feel comfortable telling the director and crew because they're paying me to work so I have to do what they say, but Millie said just chill and don't be stressed."

Brooke said Millie gave her lots of advice and was 'really nice'
Brooke said Millie gave her lots of advice and was 'really nice' -Credit:Shauna Butterworth

Brooke says her dream actor to star alongside would be Jim Carrey as she thinks he's a 'hilarious' actor and is a fan of The Grinch and he played well in the new Sonic movies. Her future plans are to star in a high-school franchise film like 'To All The Boys I've Loved Before' and be cast for a Damsel sequel.

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