Out of COVID isolation, Johnson to give news conference

Question Period at the House of Commons in London

LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Boris Johnson will hold a news conference on Thursday to explain local COVID-19 restrictions, emerging from self isolation two weeks after attending meeting with a lawmaker infected with the novel coronavirus.

Downing Street announced on Nov. 15 that Johnson, who was admitted to intensive care in a London hospital earlier this year with the coronavirus, was self isolating.

Johnson on Thursday will chair a cabinet meeting and later give a news conference to explain which areas in England will continue to local restrictions after the end of the monthlong national lockdown next month, finance minister Rishi Sunak said.

The details of the curbs are due to be announced with many parts of England expected to continue to face a ban on indoor socialising when national restrictions end next week.

"I know people are frustrated, of course, it is frustrating living under restrictions, especially the last month has difficult for everybody," Sunak told the BBC.

"People will see a tangible change wherever they are compared to the last four weeks where people have been living with difficult restrictions."

The prime minister tested negative for COVID-19 and says he is as fit as butcher's dog.

(Reporting by Andrew MacAskill; editing by Guy Faulconbridge)