Cruel thug hit friend's broken leg with crutch and strangled her during row

Stefan Wallace, who attacked his friend with her crutch
-Credit: (Image: Northumbria Police)

A cruel thug used his friend's crutch to hit her broken leg and strangled her during a row.

Stefan Wallace had previously had an intimate relationship with the woman but by last summer they were just good friends. He had been staying at her home for around three months helping her after she suffered a broken leg.

Newcastle Crown Court heard that on July 28 they had an argument, during which he pulled her off the sofa and grabbed and squeezed her neck to the point she though he was crushing her throat. The court heard he then hit her injured leg with her crutch and pulled her back when she tried to leave.

When she tried to call the police, he threw her phone against a wall, rendering the £600 device unuseable. Recorder Nathan Moxon told Wallace: "She was scared and feared for her life.

"Her throat was left sore and painful and she no longer feels safe in her home and she's scared to go out. She has suffered psychological harm.

"The victim was vulnerable and you attacked her in her own home and attempted to stop her reporting the offence by taking her phone."

The court heard Wallace, 34, of no fixed address, had a difficult childhood and spent time in care. He has a history of poor mental health.

The judge said: "You have remained drug and alcohol free in prison and have been working in prison and have been showing a good attitude." He added that while reports say he poses a high risk to partners, he did "voluntarily desist from the strangulation".

Wallace, who had served six months in custody on remand, was sentenced to 16 months suspended for 18 months and must do a "thinking skills programme". He will also be subject to a five-year restraining order.