Cut motorway speed limit to 64mph to drive net zero goals, No 10 told

Motorway speed limit environment cars net zero government climate change oil gas - James Fraser/Rex
Motorway speed limit environment cars net zero government climate change oil gas - James Fraser/Rex

The Government should consider cutting motorway speed limits to 64mph to reduce transport emissions and dependence on oil imports, MPs have said.

The measure is among many that the Commons environmental audit select committee, in its report out on Thursday about reducing the UK’s reliance on fossil fuels, has said that Westminster should consider.

The report got under way shortly after the war in Ukraine and addressed both the UK’s energy independence and the net zero transition.

It said that solar panels should be installed on new developments and the Government should set an end date for oil and gas licensing.

MPs on the committee criticised a lack of plans by ministers to reduce pollution from transport, which accounts for 23 per cent of Britain’s greenhouse gas emissions.

The committee added that the Government should consult on measures, such as those listed in the International Energy Agency’s (IEA) 10-point plan to cut oil use, which was drafted in response to Vladimir Putin’s invasion.

The IEA’s plan also included the introduction of car-free Sundays in cities, working from home three days a week and alternating car access to roads depending on licence plate numbers.

“The rapid growth in electric car sales is encouraging, but it will take many years to replace petrol and diesel vehicles,” the report said.

“More must be done to improve the energy efficiency of our transport system and reduce its contribution to climate change in the meantime.”

MPs on the committee also called for a national “war effort” on energy efficiency, including potentially lowering stamp duty for homes that installed energy efficiency measures.

The committee was divided on whether the Government should continue to grant new oil and gas licenses, but acknowledged that doing so was not incompatible with the UK’s goals to reach net zero by 2050.

It said that domestic oil and gas would be necessary to power the economy through the green transition, but called for an end date for new licenses to be set by the Government “well before 2050”.

Writing for The Telegraph, below, Philip Dunne, a Tory MP and the chairman of the environmental audit committee, said: “Decisions need to be made now that will secure our energy supplies, resilient enough so that we are never again so vulnerable to the whims of brutal and autocratic regimes.”

Watch: What is net zero?

‘Vital to boost homegrown energy supply’

A spokesman for the Government said: “With Russia weaponising energy across Europe, it is vital we boost our homegrown energy supply.

“The Government has committed £6.6 billion this parliament and a further £6 billion to 2028 to make buildings more energy efficient. We have also launched a new energy-saving campaign, raising awareness of simple actions people can take to bring down the amount of energy needed to keep homes warm this winter.

“Our British Energy Security Strategy sets out our plan to supercharge our domestic renewable energy and nuclear capacity, as well as supporting our North Sea oil and gas industry as we transition to lower carbon energy.”

Philip Dunne Conservative MP chairman of Commons environmental audit committee - David Jones/PA Wire
Philip Dunne Conservative MP chairman of Commons environmental audit committee - David Jones/PA Wire

Secure our energy supply now for a safer and greener future

By Philip Dunne, the chairman of the House of Commons environmental audit committee

This new year, we must ensure that 2023 is the year we resolve to tackle the energy trilemma long afflicting Britain: how to keep our supply simultaneously affordable, secure and sustainable.

Fossil fuels have given us a secure energy supply for decades. But affordability of oil and gas nosedived as Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine and weaponised gas supplies.

Ever since the net zero target was put into legislation, we have known that we would have to move away from fossil fuels towards low-carbon energy. The past year’s events have accelerated the imperative to address this transition with greater urgency.

This won’t be an overnight event. We use oil and gas to run our cars, to heat our homes and to generate the majority of our electricity.

The central scenario set out by the Government’s independent climate advisers, the Climate Change Committee, shows that even in 2050 there will still be a demand for fossil fuels in difficult-to-decarbonise sectors, such as aviation and some industrial processes.

During the transition, the UK must therefore continue to be able to access domestically produced oil and gas.

Our report highlights the opportunities where we can wean ourselves off fossil fuels more rapidly – and harness the potential of cleaner, greener and often cheaper, renewable energy.

Firstly, we need a national “war effort” to mobilise energy saving and efficiency. Upgrading the UK’s ageing and draughty housing stock to high energy performance standards must be a national priority to enhance the UK’s energy security, reduce bills and cut climate-changing emissions.

Second, more immediate action to cut down on the emissions associated with oil and gas extraction is possible. The sector has known its harmful impact since the Nineties. The UK must follow Norway’s lead and ban flaring outright.

Efforts to electrify rigs must also be accelerated so they are not reliant on dirty fuels just to run their operations. If they fail to do this by 2027, the Government should make it mandatory.

The Government must also set an end date for oil and gas licensing rounds in the North Sea. Energy security requires us to maintain licencing rounds for the time being, but it is unsustainable in the long run. Industry needs clear direction that an end date is in sight.

Name and shame net zero offenders

Net zero requires every sector in the economy to pull its weight towards a low-carbon future. If oil and gas sector operators fail to minimise their harmful emissions, then those operators should be named and shamed.

With ever more challenging carbon budgets and a net zero deadline less than three decades away, real action must be taken now.

And what comes in a world free of oil and gas? Our report calls for ambitious targets for onshore wind and baseload technologies such as tidal energy.

As the Government made clear in its Energy Security Strategy, nuclear energy can also provide a significant baseload of reliable power. We want every developer to fit solar panels on the roofs of new homes as standard.

There is enormous potential to go further and faster on renewable energy: all we need is the courage to go for it. Green clusters throughout the country are eager to get going and are just waiting for the green light from the Government.

We cannot afford further delay over our shared net zero future. No more vacillation over the merits of one form of renewable energy over the other.

The guiding star must be the target of net zero emissions by 2050: holding the Government to account for its progress to its target is in our committee’s core remit.

Decisions need to be made now that will secure our energy supplies, resilient enough so that we are never again so vulnerable to the whims of brutal and autocratic regimes.