Cycling club rides 205 miles from Sheppey to Weston-super-Mare

The nine members of Langport Cycle Club began their journey on June 22 at sunrise <i>(Image: Langport Cycle Club)</i>
The nine members of Langport Cycle Club began their journey on June 22 at sunrise (Image: Langport Cycle Club)

Members of a cycling club rode for more than 205 miles in a day to Weston-super-Mare.

The nine members of Langport Cycle Club began their journey on June 22 at sunrise on the beach at Minster on Sea, Kent, and ended to watch the sunset into the sea over the Bristol Channel from The Grand Pier.

Participating in the annual 'Chase the Sun - South' event which saw more than 800 people take part, the cyclists were accompanied by a support crew of five who prepared food and drink all along the route.

(Image: Langport Cycle Club)

Starting their journey at 4:30am, with feelings of both excitement and nerves, the riders left from Kent, moving towards the Cathedral city of Rochester.

The true scale of their endeavour struck them when they arrived at Crystal Palace, having covered only 25 percent of their journey after four hours of cycling.

Unfazed, the team reached Kingston upon Thames, London, and towards the open roads of Surrey, Berkshire, and Hampshire.

(Image: Langport Cycle Club)

By 135 miles, eight members of the team had surpassed their personal cycling distances, entering an unknown territory both physically and mentally.

At around 165 miles, they endured the challenges of an 800ft ascent that would take them across the highest point of the day near Priddy.

(Image: Langport Cycle Club)

It was during this ascent that the team suffered their second puncture of the day.

The descent down Cheddar Gorge marked their journey's end and they were cheered by bystanders and fellow riders with a glass of fizz.

All nine riders ended their 17-hour journey before sunset, in celebration of their achievement.