Cyclist who killed church minister in crash is found dead after jail release

Stewart McGinn was released from prison for hitting an elderly woman on his bike on the pavement in Monmouth, Wales, contributing to her death.

Stewart McGinn (left), who was recently released from prison over the death of Jane Stone (right), has been found dead in woodland. (Wales News)

A cyclist who mounted a pavement, knocking down an elderly woman who died four days later, has been found dead in woodland.

Stewart McGinn was jailed for 12 months in July last year after hitting Jane Stone then riding off, despite her friend's pleas for help.

He had been released from prison but was reported missing on Tuesday (11 April).

Gwent Police have now confirmed that a man's body was found in woodland near Monmouth, Wales, on Thursday morning.

They said while formal identification was yet to take place, they had informed McGinn's family.

Stewart McGinn was reported missing on Tuesday, 11 April. (Wales News)
Stewart McGinn was reported missing on Tuesday, 11 April. (Wales News)

A spokesperson for Gwent Police said: "A body of a man was discovered in woodland near Monmouth, Wales, at around 10.20am on Thursday 13 April.

"Formal identification has yet to take place, however we have notified the family of Stewart McGinn, who was reported as missing on Tuesday 11 April.

"We’re not treating the death as suspicious at this time, and a report has been prepared for the coroner."

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Cardiff Crown Court heard that McGinn, who was 29 at the time, cut the corner of a junction in Monmouth and hit retired teacher Jane Stone as she returned from an evening at the cinema with a friend on 7 June last year.

The court heard he had no lights on his bike, only one working brake and rode off despite her friend begging for help.

Stone died four days later in hospital from a combination of a serious head injury and bronchial pneumonia.

Jane Stone died four days after she was hit by McGinn when he mounted the pavement on his bike in Monmouth, Wales. (Wales News)
Jane Stone died four days after she was hit by McGinn when he mounted the pavement on his bike in Monmouth, Wales. (Wales News)

McGinn handed himself in to police on 17 June and initially claimed he had merely clipped Stone with the handlebars while riding close to the pavement.

He also said he had picked her up and apologised before riding away but later admitted he had lied.

McGinn admitted one count of causing bodily harm by wanton or furious driving under the Offences Against the Person Act 1861 and was sentenced to 12 months in prison.

After her death, Stone's family paid tribute to her, saying: "She was healthy and physically active, only a few years ago abseiling down the church tower to raise funds.

"She was a past church warden of St Thomas’s Church, was a lay eucharistic minister, sacristan and heavily involved in all church activities, helping and supporting members of the community as needed."

Her church also paid tribute to her, saying she was a "supportive and tireless" church warden.