Dancing for the Devil: where is Kloë Shinn now and who is her husband, Daniel Joseph?

kloe shinn attends the karma international kandyland event at boulevard 3 on august 25, 2018 in hollywood
Where are Kloë Shinn and her husband now?Paul Archuleta - Getty Images

Netflix's shocking documentary Dancing for the Devil: The 7M TikTok Cult is all about the harrowing claims made by former members of the Shekinah Church and 7M management company, both run by Robert Shinn.

The pastor and agent has since been accused of running a cult and manipulating multiple people to serve his every whim and fund him financially, including notable TikTok dancers such as Miranda Derrick (née Wilking) and her husband, James Derrick (also known as BDash), who appear to still be associated with Shinn. Shinn has always denied any wrongdoing and rejected claims that he is a cult leader.

Many other digital creators, such as Kylie Douglas and Kevin 'Konkrete' Davis Jr, have since 'escaped' the church and talent agency and are now speaking out in the hopes that those still involved with Shinn will receive the help they need.

As well as multiple dancers who were part of 7M and members of the Shekinah Church, non-public facing members have also appeared on record to speak out against alleged crimes committed by Shinn – and the Netflix documentary also mentions how some of Shinn's own children, including his daughter Kloe Shinn, and her husband, Daniel Joseph, seem to have cut off ties with him, Shekinah and 7M.

So, who is Kloe Shinn – and where is she now? And what about her husband, Daniel Joseph?

Who is Kloë Shinn?

Kloë Shinn is the daughter or Robert Shinn. She is not the pastor's only child, he is also known to have a son named Conrad and another named Isaiah.

She and her husband Daniel parted ways with 7M and the church in May 2022.

As for her involvement in the Netflix documentary, Dancing For The Devil, Kloë does not make an appearance personally but is mentioned throughout, specifically at one point by Melanie Wilking, who claims that Kloë once called her while she (Melanie) was on her way to an airport to collect her friend and tried to persuade her to turn back, get her friend to order a taxi instead and attend an urgent church service at Shekinah.

This, Melanie says in the film, is one of the things that started alarm bells ringing for her about the organisation, and her sister Miranda's involvement in it. While Miranda went on to embed herself in the Shekinah Church and sign to 7M Films, Melanie claims she backed away after the phonecall from Kloë.

kloe shinn arrives at kut from the kloth launch party for premium heritage denim at sofitel los angeles at beverly hills on november 8, 2018
Kloë Shinn at a denim brand’s launch party in LA (8 November 2018)Maury Phillips - Getty Images

Does Kloë Shinn have social media?

It looks as though Kloë has an Instagram account with the handle @IamKloeJo. There are only six posts currently visible, including a clip from the Minion Movie with the caption: "Working with @hanson was a childhood dream come true 🤩 here’s a small clip of me singing as a #MINION @universalpictures." Initially the account was open, but it was made private on 24 May 2024, after sharing an Instagram Story of Joe Rogan speaking about the impact of depression on a podcast.

The bio of this account, which has 25,500 followers at the time of writing, reads "like a tree planted by rivers of water".

Is Kloë Shinn a musician?

Yes, Kloë is a singer and songwriter – as well as writing for others, it appears the first single released under her own name, Tell A Lie, came out in 2016. In addition to this, Kloë's own songs have been used on TV shows such as Queer Eye, Dancing With The Stars and The Real Housewives. She also composed the soundtrack to a 2013 film starring Meghan Markle, Random Encounters – produced by her father, Robert Shinn.

Speaking in an interview with The Hype Magazine, Kloë recalled how her Canadian upbringing was special to her and has influenced her art, and said she'd like her "fans to be empowered and uplifted when listening to my music... I would like people to walk away feeling lighter than they did before they listened to my songs".

She also spoke about how music has been a passion for her since childhood, saying, "I learned piano at the age of 10, which was because I wanted to write and sing my own songs. Then, when my love for songwriting grew, I decided to learn guitar around the age of 13."

Where is Kloë Shinn now?

After claiming to have left the Church in May 2022, Kloë and Daniel shared a statement with Exposing7M, a social media channel dedicated to covering the questionable goings on of 7M Films, in which the couple claimed they were no longer associated with Shekinah or the management company.

"Though we prefer for our personal lives and business to be private, we understand there is a lot of interest due to the recent media coverage regarding 7M Films. Since it has been made known to us that people plan to report on our personal situation without having spoken to us, we are making this statement to set the record straight and it is our only statement on the matter currently," it began.

The statement continued on to say: "At the beginning of May of this year, we parted ways with Shekinah Church and have no business with any company connected to the church or it's associates. We also parted ways with 7M Films management at the beginning of May of this year. We have no business with 7M Films, it's associates or it's clients."

The couple also added that they had "not spoken to any media outlets on the matter and any reports claiming to have spoken to us are falsely reporting."

Kloë's exact whereabouts is currently unknown and she did not appear to return Netflix's request for comment.

Who is Kloë Shinn's husband, Daniel Joseph?

Up until they parted ways with Shekinah Church and 7M, Daniel was thought to be Robert's righthand man and to hold a very high position within the Church – his family were also founding members, according to an article from The Cut published in May 2022.

The article adds that "Daniel Joseph, the registered secretary of Shekinah Church, also directs and produces 7M dance videos. Joseph is married to Shinn's daughter, Kloe, a singer/songwriter who selects some of the music for the 7M dance videos."

Daniel's sister, Leah Parra, has tried to raise the alarm about her brother's welfare over the years, telling The Cut that Robert Shinn once forbade them from speaking to his own sister, Julie Shin.

The outlet writes that although the Joseph family left the church when Daniel was young, he rejoined it in his college years and, according to his sister Leah in 2022, "has been under Shinn's control for most of his adult life".

Responding to these allegations, lawyers acting on behalf of 7M said: "Leah was only 10 years old when her family left the Church for spiritual reasons, six months after they joined. Regarding her claim that Dr Shinn demanded her family cut contact with his sister, no such demand was made.

"Moreover, Mr Joseph is a grown married man who is capable of making his own decisions about his life and who he would and would not like to speak to. Dr Shinn has no bearing on these personal decisions."

Cosmopolitan UK reached out to Kloë for comment but she did not respond

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