Dark Winds season 2 episode 5 recap: Joe tries to get answers

 Zahn McClarnon in Dark Winds
Zahn McClarnon in Dark Winds

NOTE: this post contains spoilers for Dark Winds season 2 episode 5, "Black Hole Sun."

In a black and white with a flashback, a young Colton (MG Barnes) rides his bike. He arrives home and goes inside to find his father dead in a chair in front of the TV. His sister, Jane, is dead too. She's slumped over the piano where she was practicing.

The only color in the scene is red: Colton's red jacket, the red blood he sees on his father and his sister, and his mother's (Melissa Christopher) red nails holding the gun she used to shoot them. Colton, horrified, slowly takes the gun from his mother's hands as she sits sobbing on the floor apologizing. The metronome clicks in the background.

In his cell, adult Colton (Nicholas Logan) continues to softly tap his finger in a soothing manner. Leaphorn (Zahn McClarnon), with his arm in a sling, stares at Colton.

The clock starts

Sena (A Martinez) shows up with orders to transport Colton. Leaphorn asks Sena to give him just a little more time, he wants to question Colton about the Drumco explosion that killed his son. Sena doesn't want to, but he gives Leaphorn six hours to search Colton's trailer and question him. Leaphorn tells Officer Felix (Wade Adakai) to search the trailer for anything that links Colton to Drumco while he starts his questioning.

New job

At the trading post, Chee (Kiowa Gordon) sits in his car, following Rosemary Vines (Jeri Ryan). He’s approached by Roger (Earnest Tsosie III), who tells him that Leaphorn captured Colton. Chee leaves and heads for the jail.

He bursts into the jail and stares at Colton. He notices a letter on Bernie's (Jessica Matten) desk. The letter is a job offer from the Border Patrol. Chee asks her if she got a new job. Before she can answer him, Leaphorn comes in and asks Chee if he wants to help interrogate Colton. However, Chee opts not to.

Later, Chee brings Bernie a gift of some pinyon nuts. Bernie invites Chee inside because the eclipse is starting, and everyone is supposed to be inside to observe it. He asks her about the border patrol job and she explains she doesn't really want to leave, but she feels like her career options are limited if she stays.

The interrogation

In the interrogation room, Colton is still tapping his finger, so Leaphorn taps his pen in an opposite rhythm to put Colton on edge. Colton is not intimidated by Leaphorn, refusing to give his real name, any information about who he works for or his connection to Drumco.

In a book recovered from the trailer, Leaphorn finds the name Deloyd Webster (Tank Jones). He's the private investigator Colton met with that he didn't kill. Leaphorn brings him in and Deloyd tells Leaphorn that Colton hired him to find Colton's mother, Linda Maddox.

Leaphorn sends Deloyd into the interrogation room to tell Colton that he found his mom. He says her name isn't Maddox anymore, it's Maguire, which is why Colton couldn't find her before. Deloyd tells Colton if he wants to see his mom again, he has to cooperate with Leaphorn.

Mary Landon finds a way in

At the house, Emma (Deann Allison) is hosting a gathering of women. One of Emma's coworkers, Helen (DezBaa') brings reporter Mary Landon (Jacqueline Byers). Emma at first refuses to let her stay, but the women in the group vote to let her stay. Mary promises she's just there to listen.

Colton is still playing games

Deloyd manages to get a name from Colton, telling Leaphorn that Colton was hired by someone named Le Bec. Leaphorn tells Officer Natalie (Natalie Benally) to have Bernie bring in Guy Atcitty (Ryan Begay) as soon as the eclipse is over.

Leaphorn gets a call back from the sister of Le Bec, who tells him Le Bec died several years ago. When Bernie brings in Guy Atcitty, he asks why Leaphorn wanted to talk to him. Leaphorn explains he wanted to ask about Le Bec, but figures it pointless with Le Bec dead. However, Guy says Le Bec isn't dead. He points to Colton and says he is Le Bec.

Leaphorn confronts Colton, but Colton taunts him once he figures out that Leaphorn is fixated on the explosion because it killed his son.

The People of Darkness

John Henry Diehl in Dark Winds
John Henry Diehl in Dark Winds

Chee follows Rosemary Vines and her maid to the reservation as darkness falls. She's going to a gathering of the People of Darkness. Chee hides his face and head and mixes in with the other participants. There is drumming, peyote and faith healing led by B.J. Vines (John Henry Diehl).

While Rosemary asks B.J. to heal her, the maid slips into a hut and comes out with a backpack. Chee finds her and asks what she's doing. Together they sneak out of the meeting with the backpack. Chee tries to go back for Rosemary. But he can't get close to her. The maid slips away but leaves the bag behind for Chee.

Colton escapes again

There is another flashback of young Colton and his mother. There's a gunshot, but it's not clear who was shot. At the jail, Sena and his officers take custody of Colton. They load him into a police vehicle and drive away.

Later at home, Leaphorn gets a call. He races out to the site of an accident. It's Sena's police vehicle, upside down. Sena is alive but badly hurt. Colton is gone.

New episodes of Dark Winds season 2 air Sundays on AMC and stream on AMC Plus.

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