My daughter took her own life after years of horrific domestic abuse

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Jessica Laverack -Credit:Phyllis Daly/ Collects

The mother of a woman who tragically ended her own life following 'horrific' domestic abuse is calling for a change in the law. Jessica Laverack, a talented hairdresser who travelled globally for her work, led a privileged life filled with horses and social activities, according to her mum, Phyllis Daly, 67.

"She just had the most affectionate and fun nature. She was so bright, bubbly, but her personality changed completely."

Phyllis alleges that this change occurred when Jessica began dating bodybuilder Patrick Walsh in 2014, who was accused of violence, sexual abuse, and controlling behaviour towards her. Jessica sadly took her own life at the age of 34 on 2 February 2018, with the coroner concluding that the "underlying cause of her illness [was] domestic abuse."

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This case is believed to be the first time in the UK where a coroner has explicitly linked suicide to domestic abuse. Phyllis is now backing Sharon Holland, whose daughter Chloe Holland also tragically ended her own life after suffering abuse, in her campaign for a new offence of "manslaughter by coercive control" for those who abuse others to the point they take their own life.

The petition closes on May 1 and Phyllis urges: "I encourage people to sign it.", reports the Mirror.

Sign the petition here.

Women who are victims of domestic abuse are three times more likely to attempt suicide, yet only one abuser has ever been charged with manslaughter. In 2017, Nicholas Allen was sentenced to 10 years in prison for the manslaughter of Justene Reece from Stafford, who took her own life as a "direct result" of his actions.

The campaign is advocating for harsher penalties for abusers who drive their victims to suicide, whether through new or existing legislation.

Jessica, already a vulnerable individual, began a relationship with Walsh in Rotherham in 2014, and her mother Phyllis noticed a change in her behaviour. "She used to buy good designer clothes and then she was going around charity shops and getting second hand clothes. " Phyllis recalls, alleging that Walsh was financially abusive.

"She would have different meals. He would have steaks but she wasn't allowed to touch his food," Phyllis adds.

One evening, Jessica reported to the police that he had strangled her until she lost consciousness, fearing for her life. "I got called to the house, and Jessica sat for an hour and a half and told this police officer the most horrific abuse that I've ever heard in my life."

In 2017, Jessica fled over 50 miles to a new home in Beverley, East Yorkshire, to escape Walsh. She was categorised as "high risk" at an East Riding Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC), but due to a mistake, she fell through the cracks in the system.

"She has sleep deprivation, night terrors. The perpetrator of violence just played on her mind over and over again, which made her sleep deprived. And that impact on her mental health just put her at high risk for suicide," claims Phyllis.

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Phyllis claims Jessica lived in fear of Walsh finding her, which he eventually did because her new address was on a bank statement. It was claimed in the coroner's inquest that he sent a letter to Jessie, before turning up outside her home.

He is then alleged to have tried to see and take her beloved pet dog, "He found her and when she believed he was he was going to kill her. We were begging everybody for help," says her mother. He wasn't arrested and Jessica took her own life.

Represented by lawyer Sophie Naftalin, Phyllis decided to get a forensic inquest into what had happened to Jessica- this is known as an Article II inquest. The inquest, held at Hull Coroner's Court, heard how police had charged Walsh with assaulting Jessica but she had withdrawn her involvement which led to them dropping the case.

It took five years but in June 2022 the family got a landmark ruling at the inquest into the death of Jessica which concluded the "underlying cause of her illness [was] domestic abuse."

Coroner Lorraine Harris has taken the significant step of writing to the Home Secretary, highlighting "the need for the recognition of the link between domestic abuse and suicide" across all societal levels. Yet, Walsh cannot face charges, Phyllis explains: "Now we can't go back because although the coroner said that domestic abuse was the cause of her death we can't get a proper post mortem done. We can't get the house investigated because the house isn't there any more," Phyllis reveals.

Despite the impossibility of achieving justice for her daughter, Phyllis remains determined to fight for others. "Everybody says to me, what are you doing this work for, it won't bring Jessie back. Well, I'm not stupid enough to think it will bring my daughter back. But what I can do is make a better future for my grandchildren, my family and my friends."

She also insists on the necessity for authorities to recognise the connection between domestic abuse and suicide. "I also want the authorities to acknowledge that the link between domestic abuse and suicide. We need to start making them collate figures. People say Jessie had a choice, she didn't have a choice."

Mr Walsh refuted allegations of abusing Jessica during the inquest, maintaining that they "very much loved each other" and had plans for a future together prior to her tragic passing. However, for Phyllis, Jessica's loss is an everlasting pain.

"This has changed my life forever. I miss her so desperately. We used to speak on the phone 10 plus times a day. I talked to her every day after everything we do," she expressed. "We've got so many reminders of her around the house, bits of furniture that were hers that we've decided to keep pictures of her up. We've just got a new great granddaughter who's named after her. I miss her every day."