Death in Paradise Christmas special sees Neville's mum visit Saint Marie

ralf little as di neville parker, death in paradise christmas special
Death in Paradise Xmas special teases new arrivalBBC

The Christmas special for Death in Paradise will see Neville Parker’s mother make a visit to Saint Marie.

The upcoming episode will air on Boxing Day (December 26), with the case pertaining to the death of an entrepreneur and the subsequent disappearance of the family’s marketing guru.

Ralf Little’s DI Parker will also have personal incidents to deal with as his mother Melanie (played by Doon Mackichan) drops in, with the “larger-than-life” figure taking the dating scene “by storm” as she strikes up a friendship with Catherine.

doon mackichan as melanie parker in death in paradise christmas special 2023
Denis Guyenon/Red Planet - BBC

Related: BBC confirms new Death in Paradise spin-off

“But not before Melanie attempts to impart some words of wisdom upon her love-scarred son, who is battling the notion that some people just aren’t meant to find love, with him being one of them…” reads the logline for the episode (via BBC).

“Also taking notes from Neville’s mum, Naomi attempts to loosen up and focus on herself outside of work – but is she about to make things awkward between herself and a close friend at the Christmas party?”

The feature-length special will precede the 13th series, which is due to premiere in January, with Little recently revealing that the cast are partial to a prank during filming: “Well, me and Tahj (Miles, who plays Marlon Pryce) always have a little bit of back and forth,” he said.

ralf little as di neville parker, death in paradise christmas special
Denis Guyenon - BBC

Related: Beyond Paradise confirms guest stars for first Christmas special

“I actually have a little thing planned for him but I don't want to give it away. Hopefully I'm going to be playing a mean trick on him. But actually, I want to play a prank on Don Warrington (who plays Commissioner Selwyn Patterson), he's an absolute dude.

“I really want to play a prank on him. I feel like that will be really fun, that the guy who plays Neville plays a prank on the guy who plays the Commissioner. So I'll try that.”

The Death in Paradise Christmas Special airs on BBC One and BBC iPlayer at 9pm on December 26. Its spin-off, Beyond Paradise, also airs on BBC One and streams on BBC iPlayer.

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