Death of Queen Elizabeth II - latest: Funeral cortege arrives in Edinburgh after ceremonies proclaim King Charles III across the UK

The Queen’s cortege has arrived in Edinburgh where it will remain in Hollyroodhouse overnight.

The Queen’s funeral cortege left Balmoral at 10am as Her late Majesty left the estate for the last time, acompanied by the Princess Royal.

Inside the hearse, the coffin was draped with the Royal Standard and a wreath of flowers on top.

King Charles III and Camilla, the Queen Consort will travel to Edinburgh on Monday where a special service will be held at St Giles’ Cathedral.

On Sunday, proclamations were held in Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales as King Charles III was proclaimed to other parts of the nation.

On Wednesday, the coffin will arrive at Westminster Hall where the lying in state will begin.

Live coverage ends

20:42 , Josh Salisbury

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US President Joe Biden to attend Queen’s funeral

20:11 , Josh Salisbury

US president Joe Biden will attend the Queen's funeral, officials have confirmed, amid reports that foreign heads of state will be asked to catch a coach to the service.

Dignitaries will travel to Westminster Abbey in escorted coaches and "because of tight security and road restrictions" they will be required to leave their private state vehicles behind, according to leaked documents, reported by Politico.

It reported that only heads of state and their spouses or partners will be invited to the event on September 19, due to limited space within the historic building.

The White House confirmed Sunday that Mr Biden will attend the funeral, along with his wife Jill.

London hotels see high demand ahead of Queen’s funeral

19:19 , Josh Salisbury

Hotels in London have seen an increase in bookings ahead of the Queen lying in state and her funeral.

The Queen will lie in state at Westminster Hall in central London from Wednesday for four days, giving members of the public the chance to pay their respects.

Hotels of varying sizes have seen an uptake in reservations ahead of the lying in state.

Among them was Travelodge, which has nearly 80 hotels in the city, confirmed that it had seen an increase in demand for rooms.

Royal piper: Queen was easiest person to work for

18:34 , Josh Salisbury

Pipe Major Scott Methven, who was the Queen’s Piper until 2019, has recalled the “banter” he had with the “easy-going and funny” monarch during his four-year tenure.

The 48-year-old described being moved from the army in 2015 to live in Buckingham Palace as “surreal”, but explained he struck up a “great relationship” with the Queen.

He told the PA news agency: “She had really a quick wit as is well-documented. It was just always one-liners, I had so much sort of banter with the Queen, it was great.

“The first time when I was appointed, she turned around and said to me ‘Look, the only reason you got this job is because you’re the same height as me’ and then she just walked away.

“I didn’t expect it from the Queen if that makes sense. She set the bar so I continued with it and we just used to have a laugh. She was just the most easy-going person to work for.”

Crowds cheer as King Charles’s car leaves Buckingham Palace

17:50 , Josh Salisbury

The King has left Buckingham Palace to cheers from the crowds after a day of meeting people like Commonwealth general secretary Baroness Scotland.

People erupted in cheers as Charles’s motorcade emerged from the palace gates.

He could be seen waving to people lining the street as the convoy travelled up the Mall.

Scottish political leaders pay respects as coffin passes

17:37 , Josh Salisbury

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, Scottish Tory leader Douglas Ross, Scottish Labour leader Anas Sarwar, Scottish Green co-leader Lorna Slater and Lib Dem leader Alex Cole-Hamilton stood on the pavement outside Holyrood as the hearse slowed.

Presiding Officer Alison Johnstone and her deputies Liam MacArthur and Annabelle Ewing also lined the street to show their appreciation to the Queen.

As the leaders joined some of the thousands lining the streets in applause, the procession increased its speed into the Palace of Holyroodhouse.

As the Queen’s coffin passed the Scottish Parliament, Scotland’s political leaders assembled to pay their respects.

 (Getty Images)
(Getty Images)

Ukrainian refugee: I came to see Queen ‘on her final journey'

17:23 , Josh Salisbury

Among those who turned out in Edinburgh to pay their respects was Ukrainian refugee, Daria Oskolkova, who said she wanted to see "the Queen off on her final journey" as her coffin made its way along the Royal Mile.

“It was very emotional to be here," said the 38-year-old who now lives in Glasgow.

Adriana Vraghici, from Edinburgh, also described the event as a "monumental day".

"The Queen has been part of our lives for so long, it's just nice to be so close, seeing the coffin, because she has been such an important part of our lives," said the 25-year-old, who added: "She has served the country in such an amazing way".


Wellwisher: I changed plans to pay respects as Queen’s coffin arrived in Edinburgh

17:00 , Josh Salisbury

Another in the crowd as the Queen’s cortege made its way down the Royal Mile was Susanne Sedel, 62, and her son Erik Sedel, 31.

Ms Sedel, from Seattle, said she was visiting Edinburgh and London with Erik, from Berkeley in California, on holiday when they heard the news the Queen had died.

Ms Sedel, who said the pair changed their plans in Edinburgh so they could pay their respects, said: “I've always admired her, and I felt sad when I heard that she had passed. We were just getting off the plane from London to Edinburgh when we heard the news.

“We have European background, we're German, so we've always admired the Queen and the monarchy."

Crowds at Royal Mile ‘felt pull to come’ as Queen’s coffin passed by

16:55 , Josh Salisbury

Thousands of people lined Edinburgh's Royal Mile as the hearse bearing the Queen's coffin made its way to the Palace of Holyroodhouse.

James Kinlock was one of those lining the streets and said he felt an "enormous pull" to watch the procession through the Scottish capital.

"It's a real loss to the nation, I felt it far more personally than I ever thought I would. I just felt compelled to come, utterly compelled to come," the 55-year-old said.

"I didn't expect to feel compelled to come but I did and I'm very glad I came," he added.

Senior royals receive coffin at Palace of Holyroodhouse

16:43 , Josh Salisbury

Senior royals have received the Queen's coffin at the Palace of Holyroodhouse in Edinburgh after a six-hour drive from Balmoral.

The Queen's cortege received a guard of honour by the King's Bodyguard for Scotland (Royal Company of Archers) as it entered the palace.

Her late Majesty’s coffin will remain there overnight before it is taken to nearby St Giles’s Cathedral on Monday afternoon, where it will lie in rest for 24 hours.

King Charles and other senior members of the royal family will follow on foot behind the cortege before a service of remembrance is held at St Giles.

16:29 , Sami Quadri

The King has met the Secretary General of the Commonwealth at Buckingham Palace.

Charles received Baroness Scotland in the 1844 Room at the palace.

Following the meeting, he hosted High Commissioners and their spouses, from countries where he is head of state, in the royal residence’s Bow Room.

Sir Keir Starmer says footage of coffin leaving Balmoral was ‘incredibly moving'

16:27 , Sami Quadri

Sir Keir Starmer has said the footage of the Queen’s coffin leaving Balmoral was “incredibly moving”.

“I saw the images of the coffin leaving Balmoral this morning,” he said in a pooled clip for broadcasters in his north London constituency.

“I thought it was incredibly moving to see everybody who could come to the side of the road to pay their respects. It was an incredible, incredible moment. It reflects what the nation is feeling at the moment.”

The Labour leader welcomed the appearance together of the new Prince of Wales and the Duke of Sussex with their wives in Windsor on Saturday.

“I think it was very moving to see those images of them together. I think for many, many people across the country at times of uncertainty, they want the reassurance that everybody is pulling together and uniting, whether that’s across the royal family, whether it’s across politics,” he said.

“So I thought it was an incredible moment and I think a lot of people will have smiled when they saw those images.”

Royal convoy travels down Royal Mile in Edinburgh

16:26 , Sami Quadri

As the royal convoy travelled down the Royal Mile in Edinburgh, the crowd fell silent in respect for the Queen as her coffin passed.

Moments later, a round of applause and cheers broke out across the crowd.

Royal procession passes over the Queensferry Crossing

15:57 , Sami Quadri

The royal procession has passed over the Queensferry Crossing on its way to Edinburgh.

The convoy, led by the hearse carrying the Queen’s coffin, crossed the River Forth from Fife around five-and-three-quarter hours after leaving Balmoral.

Up river from the original Forth road and rail crossings, the structure was officially opened by the Queen on September 4 2017, 53 years to the day after she opened the adjacent Forth Road Bridge.

15:37 , Sami Quadri

A woman has been arrested after a protester was seen holding an anti-monarchist sign ahead of the Accession Proclamation of the King in Edinburgh.

A spokeswoman for Police Scotland said: “A 22-year-old woman was arrested outside St Giles’ Cathedral, Edinburgh, on Sunday 11 September, 2022 in connection with a breach of the peace.”

Pictured: Hearse carrying Queen’s coffin departs Dundee on its way to Edinburgh

15:20 , Sami Quadri


15:16 , Sami Quadri

There was tentative applause as the hearse passed hundreds of people gathered on a roundabout of the A90 outside Dundee.

One man called out “thank you, thanks you” as the coffin went by.

A hush descended on the waiting hundreds as the procession grew nearer.

Afterwards Gillian Nicholl, from St Andrews, who had come with her children Romy, 22, and Freya, 15, said: “It went very still and it was very atmospheric.

“I have never seen such a large crowd go so quiet. It was very sombre, there was a wee clap but it didn’t feel right.”

Freya said: “She was the last Queen we will see in our lifetime so this was definitely history-making and it was nice to be there.”

Margaret Macphail, from Berryhill, wept as she thought about what she had seen.

She said: “I didn’t expect to be as moved as that. I’m glad I came.”

Her friend Elizabeth Russell, from Invergowrie, added: “It was lovely to be here and it was so nice that so many people came out.”

EastEnders returns to BBC One amid Queen-related schedule changes

14:53 , Sami Quadri

EastEnders will return to BBC One after days of suspended programming in the wake of the Queen’s death.

The broadcaster will continue to air rolling news coverage on Monday with a BBC News special filling regular TV slots alongside HM The King: Westminster Tributes and Scotland: A Service For HM The Queen.

However, fan-favourite soap EastEnders will return to BBC One at 8.30pm, having been moved from its usual channel on Friday alongside Homes Under The Hammer and Bargain Hunt which aired on BBC Two.

Prince of Wales vows to serve with ‘humility and great respect’

14:32 , Sami Quadri

The Prince of Wales spoke to Welsh First Minister Mark Drakeford by phone on Sunday, vowing to serve the Welsh people with “humility and great respect” alongside his wife the Princess of Wales.

A statement from Kensington Palace said: “His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales and the First Minister of Wales spoke by telephone earlier today.

“HRH thanked the First Minister for his fitting tribute, on behalf of the people of Wales, to Her Majesty The Queen.

“HRH expressed his and The Princess of Wales’s honour in being asked by His Majesty The King to serve the Welsh people. They will do so with humility and great respect.

“The Prince acknowledged his and the Princess’s deep affection for Wales, having made their first family home in Anglesey including during the earliest months of Prince George’s life.

“The Prince and Princess will spend the months and years ahead deepening their relationship with communities across Wales.

“They want to do their part to support the aspirations of the Welsh people and to shine a spotlight on both the challenges and opportunities in front of them.

“The Prince and Princess look forward to celebrating Wales’s proud history and traditions as well as a future that is full of promise.

“They will seek to live up to the proud contribution that members of the Royal family have made in years past.

“TRHs look forward to travelling to Wales very soon, and to meeting the First Minister and other leaders at the earliest opportunity.”

Pictured: Well-wishers outside Buckingham Palace

13:57 , Bill Mcloughlin


Pictured: King Charles III arrives at Buckingham Palace

13:38 , Sami Quadri


Hundreds gather in Sheffield for proclamation

13:32 , Sami Quadri

Around 300 people gathered in front of Sheffield City Hall for the proclamation for South Yorkshire.

The crowd fell silent for a fanfare played by a lone civilian trumpeter before the Town Hall clock struck one – signalling the start of the ceremony.

Those present in Barker’s Pool initially seemed reluctant to sing the newly-worded national anthem as it was relayed over the PA system but soon joined in as the verse progressed.

The crowds joined in with gusto as the official party gave three cheers for the King.

Policing operation ahead of Queen’s funeral will be ‘hugely complex’

13:13 , Sami Quadri

A senior Metropolitan Police officer has said policing in the run-up to the Queen’s funeral will be a “hugely complex operation”.

Deputy Assistant Commissioner Stuart Cundy on Sunday said hundreds of extra officers had already been called in as thousands descended on the capital following the monarch’s death.

Officers are likely to be concerned with managing crowds, with a huge number of mourners expected to queue for several hours, including overnight, to pay their respects to the Queen as she lies in state, expected to be from Wednesday.

Leaders from around the globe will also travel to the UK for the state funeral on Monday, meaning security will be of increased concern.

Mr Cundy said: “Our role is to ensure this is going to be a safe and a secure set of events.

“Our policing operation is hugely complex, with a huge amount of detail within it, as you can well imagine.

“So we’re always mindful of all manner of different potential things that might occur. We know that not just the eyes of the United Kingdom but the world will be on London at this point in time.”

King arrives at Buckingham Palace

13:09 , Sami Quadri

The King has arrived at Buckingham Palace, where he will meet with Commonwealth general secretary Patricia Scotland.

Crowds lining the roads cheered and waved as his black car drove down The Mall and into the Palace gates accompanied by a motorcade of four cars and four police motorbikes.

Charles could be seen waving to people through the car windows.

Children sat on top of parents’ shoulders and people took photos as they watched the new sovereign arrive.

King Charles leaves Clarence House

13:08 , Bill Mcloughlin

King Charles has left Clarence House to journey to Buckingham Palace where he will carry out official duties.

The King will meet the Commonwealth secretary-general at the palace before hosting the high commissioners of the realm and their spouses.

Historic Stone of Destiny to be moved to London for new King’s coronation

12:45 , Bill Mcloughlin

The Stone of Destiny will be moved from Edinburgh Castle to London for the coronation of the new King, it has been confirmed.

When Elizabeth II was crowned in 1953 at Westminster Abbey, her throne sat above the stone.

But with the historic artefact having been returned to Scotland more than quarter of a century ago, it will be moved down to London for the ceremony involving her son.

No date has yet been announced for the coronation ceremony of Charles III.

But a spokeswoman for Historic Environment Scotland (HES) confirmed: “HES staff will move the Stone of Destiny to Westminster Abbey in advance of the Coronation and then return it to Scotland.”

Charles III is being proclaimed King at Mercat Cross in Edinburgh

12:06 , Sami Quadri

His Majesty’s State Trumpeters have sounded a fanfare at Edinburgh Castle.

It has been followed by the Lord Lyon King of Arms reading a proclamation for the King at the castle, ending it by saying “God Save the King”.

At the event at Hillsborough Castle, a Proclamation Guard comprising one officer and 20 other ranks was provided by The 2nd Battalion The Royal Irish Regiment together with the band of the Royal Irish Regiment.

Prior to the proclamation being read out, a 40-second fanfare was sounded by a bugler.

A bell in the clock tower of the Court House at Hillsborough Castle gave a single chime on the stroke of 12 noon to signal the start of the proclamation.

Following the reading of the proclamation, a 21-gun salute was fired by 206 (Ulster) Battery Royal Artillery.

Pictured: Accession Proclamation Ceremony at Mercat Cross in Edinburgh

12:01 , Sami Quadri


Archbishop of Canterbury praises ‘precious’ Queen

12:00 , Sami Quadri

Speaking in Canterbury Cathedral during the 11am service, the Archbishop of Canterbury said the “precious” Queen had taught more about “God and grace” than any other contemporary figure.

The Most Rev Justin Welby said: “Only a few weeks ago, bishops from across the Anglican Communion gathered in this Cathedral church for the Lambeth conference. We came from all corners of the globe, from different languages, different experiences and different countries.

“Yet listening to them, one of those things that united them, apart from faith in Christ, was their common respect and admiration for Her Majesty, Her late Majesty, the Queen. She somehow seemed to transcend cultures, languages and nations.

“When we had our conference day in London on the theme of the environment, the 1,470 people sitting in a marquee at lunch in the garden of Lambeth Palace showed rapt attention as her message to them was read.

“Why? What was it that drew us so much to her?

“It has been said very often in the last two days, but it bears repeating, that one of the key reasons was in her life and her example, God graciously gave us the most wonderful example of a Christian life and a Christian death.

“Her late Majesty taught us much, if not more, about God and grace, both in words and the actions that reinforce them, than any other contemporary figure. We remember her not for what she had, but for what she gave. What a precious blessing. How precious she was, therefore, to us and how keenly we feel her loss.”

Crowds gather at Cardiff Castle to hear Charles proclaimed King

11:47 , Sami Quadri

Thousands of people have gathered at Cardiff Castle to hear Charles be proclaimed King in Wales.

More than 2,000 people have been allowed inside the grounds since the gates opened at 10am.

Hundreds more lined the streets outside the castle walls, including two protesters holding signs reading: “Not our king!”

The former Prince of Wales ascended to the throne following the death of his mother, Queen Elizabeth II, on Thursday.

He was then formally proclaimed King at a historic ceremony in St James’s Palace in London following a meeting of the Accession Council during which he swore an oath to privy counsellors.

Proclamations will take place across the UK on Sunday, including Wales, at about midday.

Pictured: Archbishop of Canterbury at a special service at Cathedral in Kent

11:26 , Sami Quadri

The Archbishop of Canterbury told the congregation at Canterbury Cathedral that this was an “unexpectedly extraordinary Sunday” at the beginning of the 11am service.

He said as they worship they will be thinking about “our nation and about all those who are bereaved, above all the royal family”.


Daniel Craig reflects on filming 007 comedy sketch with the Queen

11:08 , Sami Quadri

James Bond star Daniel Craig described filming a scene with the Queen for London 2012 as “an incredible thing”.

The world saw a more spirited side to the monarch when she made a cameo appearance in Danny Boyle’s opening ceremony for the Olympic Games.

In the comedy sketch, Craig, who played British spy 007, called at Buckingham Palace to summon the Queen to the event.

The Queen, who was sitting at her writing desk, made him wait before greeting him with the words: “Good evening, Mr Bond.”

They walked together, along with some of her corgis, towards a helicopter and set off, flying over London to the Olympic Stadium, concluding with a stunt double of the Queen parachuting into the arena.

Seconds later, the real Queen, wearing the same peach dress as the stunt double, entered the stadium to rapturous applause.

Reflecting on his time filming with the Queen, 54-year-old Craig told the BBC at the Toronto International Film Festival: “What an incredible thing.

“We will not see the likes of her ever again. To be alive during her reign is something else.”

He added: “(I’m) very saddened, so I suppose good luck to Charles, really.”

10:34 , Sami Quadri

The First Minister of Scotland has called the Queen an “extraordinary” woman as the latter’s coffin left Balmoral and started its journey to Edinburgh, where tributes will be made.

The Queen’s coffin left Balmoral at about 10am and is to pass places including Aberdeen and Dundee before being laid at the Palace of Holyroodhouse in Edinburgh.

In a tweet, Nicola Sturgeon said: “A sad and poignant moment as Her Majesty, The Queen leaves her beloved Balmoral for the final time.

“Today, as she makes her journey to Edinburgh, Scotland will pay tribute to an extraordinary woman.”

Pictured: Cortege procession begins its long journey to Edinburgh

10:33 , Sami Quadri


Richard E Grant: Charles was extraordinarily kind to my wife before she died

10:15 , Sami Quadri

Richard E Grant has praised King Charles III, who arranged to visit his wife before she died from lung cancer last year.

Joan Washington, who was a voice coach to celebrities including Penelope Cruz and Jessica Chastain, died in September last year at the age of 74.

Swazi-English actor Grant, whose wife died eight months after she was diagnosed with lung cancer, praises the new King in his forthcoming memoir, A Pocketful Of Happiness.

He said Charles and Camilla sent long, solicitous letters and arranged a visit to Highgrove House around Washington’s medical appointments.

Grant, who is an ambassador for The Prince’s Trust, told the Mail on Sunday’s You magazine: “He’s a well-documented fan of accents and The Goon Show, and as my wife was an accent coach he loved her ability to do different voices.

“They were both extraordinarily kind, visiting and so on, given how busy he is.”

Pictured: Queen’s coffin seen for first time as it leaves Balmoral

10:12 , Sami Quadri


Theresa May says monarchy will change under King Charles

09:58 , Sami Quadri

Theresa May has said she believes the monarchy will change gradually under King Charles.

The former prime minster told the BBC’s Sunday With Laura Kuenssberg: “If you look at the royal family, they have been steadily evolving a different approach, a different way of doing things over time and I am sure King Charles will continue to take that forward.

“Of course, he is a different person and he may want to change things in some ways but I think, critically, as the Queen did, any change in the way things are done would be done gradually and very carefully.

“I think they (the public) will expect that sense of continuity, but also that sense that the world has been changing, continues to change, so a willingness to evolve alongside that.

“I think that what they will hope and what they will get is that deep interest in people which Her Majesty had and King Charles, I believe, has that too – a deep concern for people.”

Monarchy will be ‘smaller and more informal under King Charles'

09:45 , Sami Quadri

The monarchy will be smaller and more informal under King Charles, Gordon Brown has said.

The former prime minister told the BBC’s Sunday With Laura Kuenssberg programme: “I think that what Prince Charles has already indicated is that the monarchy will be smaller.

“It’s going to be more like a Scandinavian monarchy in the future – but not in a bad way – more informal.

“He stopped as he entered Buckingham Palace and talked to people in the crowd, and that was a signal that he was sending that he wanted people to feel that he was approachable.”

Marmalade sandwich among the floral tributes at Balmoral

09:29 , Sami Quadri

A marmalade sandwich lay among the floral tributes directly outside the gates of Balmoral on Sunday morning.

A message on the ziplock bag read: “A marmalade sandwich for your journey ma’am”.

The Queen’s coffin is expected to leave Balmoral in less than an hour.

Marmalade sandwiches have featured among the flowers and cards left at various locations in tribute to the Queen since her death on Thursday.

A sketch featuring the monarch taking tea at Buckingham Palace with the much-loved children’s character Paddington bear was filmed as part of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations earlier this year.

Charles will be a brilliant King, says David Cameron

09:14 , Bill Mcloughlin

King Charles is set to become a “brilliant” monarch after serving the “longest apprenticeship in history”, David Cameron has said.

The former prime minister disclosed that when he was in office, he had audiences with the then Prince of Wales so Charles could prepare for the day when, as sovereign, he was holding weekly meetings with the premier.

“I had audiences with Prince Charles when Queen Elizabeth II was on the throne because he wanted to start thinking about how to conduct those audiences,” Mr Cameron told the BBC’s Sunday With Laura Kuenssberg programme – in an interview to be broadcast on Sunday.

“From what I saw he will be brilliant at that job. Brilliant at listening, brilliant at asking questions, giving wise advice and sage counsel. This has probably been the longest apprenticeship in history.”

He said that, like his mother, the new King was a “superb diplomat” and predicted he would prove a “very worthy successor” when it came to supporting the British government of the day abroad.

“I saw him in action at Commonwealth heads of government meetings and he knows everybody personally, he interacts with them brilliantly,” Mr Cameron said.

“The soft power that the British monarch brings to help a prime minister and a government with all those international relations, it was obviously outstanding under Queen Elizabeth II.

“I think you will see Charles III will be a very worthy successor in that regard.”

Come and see us soon for tea, Charles told Titchmarsh a day before becoming King

08:55 , Sami Quadri

Charles invited his friend Alan Titchmarsh to “come and see us soon for tea” the day before becoming King.

The prince spent Wednesday working and hosting guests at Dumfries House in Cumnock, the broadcaster and gardener said.

He said that, after dinner at the East Ayrshire home, the heir to the throne and his guests had coffee in a tapestry-lined gallery as they were played “jaunty Scottish airs” on a guitar and penny whistle.

“The prince tapped his foot in time with the music before giving the man on the whistle a bottle of Scotch and the woman on the guitar a bottle of champagne, chatting casually to both,” Mr Titchmarsh wrote in The Sunday Telegraph.

“The recital was short, the applause genuine, and, after making his way around the room, shaking hands with almost everyone there, smiling, thanking them for coming and encouraging them in their endeavours, the prince headed for the exit.

“Because I stood by the door, he shook my hand last of all and said ‘Come and see us soon for tea’. I thanked him and he left the room as Duke of Rothesay, Prince of Wales, Duke of Cornwall and assorted other titles, unaware that he was doing so for the very last time. He was happy; it had been a good day.

“The next day, he woke up early as usual, but by the middle of the afternoon those ancient appellations would be redistributed among more junior members of his family. Prince William became Prince of Wales and Duke of Cornwall. Prince Charles would have but one title: The King.”

Catherine Zeta-Jones: Queen’s death made me homesick but proud of my heritage

08:28 , Sami Quadri

Catherine Zeta-Jones says she felt like she “lost a real family member” following the death of the Queen, and that the news had made her “homesick” but “proud of my heritage”.

The Welsh actress, 52, said the monarch had been “a real inspiration” and a figure of “power and respect”.

Tributes from famous faces poured in from both home and abroad following the announcement of the Queen’s death on Thursday.

Speaking at the Disney’s D23 Expo on Saturday, Zeta-Jones said she had called her family back home and “felt like a little piece of me had gone”.

“I’m a big royalist and I love the royal family and what they do for our country,” she told the PA news agency.

“As a girl growing up in Wales, in Britain, in the UK, I had my mum who was the strongest, safest person to be with but I also had a queen.

“And I don’t just mean that she was a queen sitting on a throne, we’re at Disney where queens and princesses are the topic du jour, but a woman who was a real inspiration.

“I’m in a country that has never had a woman as a figure of leadership, of power and of respect, and so I shall miss her dearly.”

Pictured: Members of the public line the streets in Ballater

08:27 , Sami Quadri


Hundreds pay tribute to the Queen at Windsor

08:21 , Sami Quadri

Hundreds of people were paying tribute to the Queen at Windsor Castle on Sunday morning.

A large crowd of well-wishers, young and old, carried flowers to the gates of the castle, which was partly hidden behind a slight mist.

Stuffed toys, cards, letters and gift bags were also seen among the tributes.

Ned Hart, 43, from nearby Egham, Surrey, told PA: “I’ve been here every day and have laid flowers each time.

“It’s nice to see the the pile of tributes building up, I hope the whole area is covered by the time of the funeral.

“The number of children and young people I’ve seen here is also heartwarming, the next generation will not forget our great Queen.”

There will be ‘overwhelming emotion’ when Queen’s coffin passes Ballater

08:17 , Sami Quadri

There will be “overwhelming emotion” when the Queen’s coffin passes through the Aberdeenshire village of Ballater, where many local people knew her, the local minister has said.

Reverend David Barr said locals regarded the Windsors as “like neighbours”, particularly as the Queen had been coming to Balmoral Castle since she was a girl, and people in the area had long-standing relationships with the estate.

He said: “When she comes up here, and she goes through those gates, I believe the royal part of her stays mostly outside.

“And as she goes in, she was able to be a wife, a loving wife, a loving mum, a loving gran and then later on a loving great gran – and aunty – and be normal.

“Now 70 years, she’s given her life, even up to the very last day, she’s given us service.

“So, here in the village, we want to give back, (and) by allowing the royal family to come here and go into the shops and have a cup of coffee and not be bothered.

“That’s what this community has done for 70 years.”

He added: “As you stand here today and you watch Her Majesty pass, that will be very tangible and be very real for people, and I think that will bring on an overwhelming amount of emotion.”

Antigua and Barbuda to hold referendum on becoming a republic

08:12 , Sami Quadri

The prime minister of Antigua and Barbuda has said following the Queen’s death he will call for a referendum on the country becoming a republic within three years.

The Caribbean country is one of 14 nations to retain the British monarch as their head of state, with prime minister Gaston Browne signing a document confirming Charles’ status as the new King.

But minutes later, he said he would push for a republic referendum after indicating such a move earlier this year during a visit by the Earl and Countess of Wessex.

Mr Browne told ITV: “This is not an act of hostility or any difference between Antigua and Barbuda and the monarchy, but it is the final step to complete that circle of independence, to ensure that we are truly a sovereign nation.

“I’d say probably within the next three years,” he added, when asked for a timeframe on the referendum.

Pictured: Sketch of Queen among tributes at Balmoral

08:11 , Sami Quadri


07:52 , Sami Quadri

Members of the public have started gathering in Ballater early to pay their respects to the late Queen.

The village, which lies about eight miles east of Balmoral, will see the royal cortege pass through later on Sunday as it heads to Edinburgh.

Families have been seen setting up picnic chairs and attaching union flags to barriers outside the village’s Glenmuick Church from about 7am.

The Queen’s coffin will be driven past the church at a walking pace to allow people to pay respects.

Charles to be proclaimed King in ceremony at Cardiff Castle

07:34 , Sami Quadri

Charles is to be proclaimed King at a ceremony at Cardiff Castle on Sunday.

The former Prince of Wales ascended to the throne following the death of his mother, Queen Elizabeth II, on Thursday.

He was then formally proclaimed King at a historic ceremony in St James’s Palace following a meeting of the accession council during which Charles swore an oath to privy counsellors.

Proclamations will take place in other parts of the UK, including Wales, at about midday today.

Up to 2,000 people will be allowed to attend the event, with spaces inside the grounds available on a first come, first served basis. Gates are expected to open at 10am.