Design expert's simple mirror tip that can 'double' the size of a small room

Mirror and cosmetics by window
-Credit: (Image: Getty Images/iStockphoto)

For many of us, expanding the size of our home isn't always possible. Whether that's due to renting, the cost of renovation or anything else, turning to interior design is sometimes the only way to help create more space.

And according to experts, this is really easily done without having to do any building work at all. Simple tricks can help to create the illusion of a bigger space, whether you live in a cosy apartment, bungalow or studio.

One of these is actually said to 'double' the look of a small room, according to experts from Dendo Design - and even better, it doesn't cost an arm and a leg to do.

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Something that can really help you do this is by utilising mirrors in the right way around your room or home. This is because mirrors can double the visual space of a room, especially when placed across from windows to reflect natural light and outdoor views.

Mirrors come in plenty of different shapes and sizes so you're guaranteed to find one that'll work with the rest of the room. And although some can come with hefty price tags, often you don't have to pay huge amounts for a good size.

Another tip recommended by the team at Dendo is to use light colours to your advantage as well, especially on the walls, floors and ceilings.

This is because light colours are more reflective, maximising the effect of natural light and making rooms appear larger and more open. Soft tones like off-white, blues, and greens are especially effective.

And finally, having a range of different light sources isn't just a great way to add ambience to a room - it can also help it to appear bigger. Layered lighting especially can visually expand a room by creating depth and highlighting different areas of the space.

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