Devon man beaten with vacuum cleaner in own home

Robert Ratcliffe was the victim of an assault in Teignmouth
Robert Ratcliffe was the victim of an assault in Teignmouth -Credit:DevonLive

A Teignmouth man has shared a picture of his injured jaw after two men burst into his flat and subjected him to a vicious beating. Robert Ratcliffe was at home in Barnpark Terrace when the yobs came to his door asking for a light.

They followed him inside and began an unprovoked attack. Robert says one of the men grabbed a metal extension to his vacuum cleaner and hit him repeatedly.

"What happened is all a bit blurry," he said. "They forced their way in. There was mayhem. I was on my bed being hit. Eventually I managed to get out of the flat and get away. He said the two men tried to follow him but he got to safety.

"I don't know why they did it but I was definitely a target." He says the men had clearly come intent on violence. The night before he had been kept awake by loud music from another flat and he thinks the two incidents might be connected.

"When I looked in the mirror I was shocked by my injuries," the 45-year-old said.


The photo shows Robert's jaw badly swollen in the aftermath of the attack. He is still struggling to open it but thinks it isn't broken. He has had a CT scan at hospital and also suffered an injury to his arm.

Police have confirmed they are investigating but Robert says officers have yet to pay him visit and take a statement.

"I rang police twice last week, the first time from the hospital. Maybe I am naive but I half expected them to just ring me back but I didn't hear anything.

"I went to Torquay police station but was told it had not been allocated to an officer yet. Somebody has now called me but it has taken a week."

He is yet to return to his flat. "I don't feel safe going back there," said Robert, who works as a removal man.

A spokesperson for Devon and Cornwall Police said: "Police were called on the morning of Sunday 5 May following reports of an assault at a property in Teignmouth.

"It is alleged a male was struck numerous times by another man and was taken to hospital where he was treated for facial injuries.

"Police enquiries into the matter remain ongoing."

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