Amazing diner tips waiter $750 so he can visit family in Northern Ireland

Taryn Keith 1
Taryn Keith 1

We know Americans love to tip, but $750 is pretty generous even by their standards.

One lucky waiter found himself on the receiving end of this kind act after he got chatting to a customer about how much he missed his family in Northern Ireland.

The diner, known as Jeffrey, wrote on the $122.87 bill: “Hopefully this can get you back to Ireland for the holidays.”

Ben Millar, who works as a waiter in Texas, had been talking to Jeffrey – who often visited Ireland – about his home country, adding that he would like to see more of his family.

He continued to serve Jeffrey and family for the rest of their meal, and was shocked to pick up their bill after they’d left and see the whopping tip.

The happy couple at their baby shower (Credit: Taryn Keith)
The happy couple at their baby shower (Credit: Taryn Keith)

The 22-year-old told ABC News: “My initial reaction was shouting, ‘Holy s***!'”

Ben, who is expecting a baby with his girlfriend Taryn Keith, 21, said he wants to take his family back to Belfast once their little one has arrived.

He also hopes he can “reach out to Jeffrey so he knows how much I appreciate it. It means a lot to me, but more to my family back home who will benefit from seeing me again since almost two years.”

Ben added that he would “love if Jeffrey could come over when I go back, so I can show him the true Northern Ireland, not just the tourist aspect.”

Delighted Taryn wrote on Facebook on Sunday: “My boyfriend got this tip last night at work. He’s from Ireland and is trying to take us back there once Killian is born so we can meet his family.

“Thought I would share it to show everyone that’s there is not only hate out there. Truly blessed.”

Top image credit: Taryn Keith