How Disney+ Has Saved Me From Pregnancy Self-Isolation Sadness

From Women's Health

In these Strange Times, we all find ourselves seeking solace in some of the things knocking about our homes. Aside from the obvious essentials – the box of eggs you finally managed to buy yesterday; a pack of loo roll at long last – you might have a luxury item that's wound up being worth its weight in gold.

In new series Keep Calm Kit, staffers at WH share the one thing that's helping them out. Here, executive editor (print) Victoria Joy on how investing in a Disney+ subscription has lifted her spirits as she self-isolates during pregnancy.

Everyone - at least everyone born in the mid-80s like me - has a Disney film that defined their childhood. I remember celebrating my 10th birthday (having just moved from Edinburgh to Surrey and therefore running low on new friends with which to party) by watching The Lion King on DVD and chomping on takeaway pizza with my parents and brother. Turns out, my coping strategy for dealing with the Coronavirus pandemic aged 34 is not too dissimilar: thanks to Disney+ and its new subscription service.

At six months pregnant and, lucky to have a husband that can tick off shopping for the essentials and a job efficiently done from home, it seemed sensible to embrace self-isolation for safety's sake.

But that isn't to say the decision came without anxiety, or that I haven't felt what I'm now trademarking Self-Isolation Sadness: how will the lack of movement and fresh air affect me and my unborn baby?; what if a lockdown on deliveries mean we can't buy the basics in time for its arrival?; what state will the NHS be in in three months time?

Selfish worries in a time like this, perhaps, but real nonetheless. I'm pretty sure it's what inspired my husband to snap up a new Disney+ annual subscription when it launched - it's basically a Disney version of Netflix, an app accessed through your TV or device where you can stream endless Disney films and TV programmes. Well, the listings probably are finite, but it doesn't feel that way when you sign in and start browsing. The back catalogue is full excitement.

I could feel my heart soar and a smile come to my face even just scrolling through the options; it was like my childhood come to life. All the big ones are there - The Little Mermaid, Aladdin, Frozen, Finding Nemo - which I'll undoubtedly make my way through in the next few months. But it's more the forgotten gems, steeped in nostalgia, that have most lifted my spirits.

Flubber, The Mighty Ducks, Fantasia, Herbie, Pollyanna, The Incredible Journey - I MEAN. It's only now I realise I've never seen Old Yeller, though recognise it from the Friends episode - an oversight I shall be rectifying ASAP. And Boy Meets World, prepare to be taken down, all seven seasons of you.

Most mental health experts would probably argue that building your coping strategies around screen time isn't ideal, but for me I know Disney+ is going to be a saviour over the next few months, and all going well, beyond. If we're still on lockdown when maternity leave comes a-calling, I'll be turning to Walt Disney to save me.

What are the symptoms of coronavirus?

According to the NHS website, the primary symptoms of coronavirus are:

  • A fever

  • A new, consistent cough

Other coronavirus symptoms that have been reported include:

  • Tiredness or fatigue

  • A headache

  • Shortness of breath

  • A loss of smell or taste

  • Muscle pain

What should you do if you have symptoms of coronavirus?

If you have symptoms of coronavirus you should use the NHS 111 Coronavirus service online. People are being urged to only call 111 if they cannot get help online.

To avoid infecting others, do not go to a GP surgery or pharmacy if you suspect you have coronavirus.

If you need urgent medical help that you cannot get online, call 111. In an life-threatening emergency call 999 for an ambulance.

Disclaimer: The information in this story is accurate as of the publication date. While we are attempting to keep our content as up-to-date as possible, the situation surrounding the coronavirus pandemic continues to develop rapidly, so it's possible that some information and recommendations may have changed since publishing. For any concerns and latest advice, visit the World Health Organisation. If you're in the UK, the National Health Service can also provide useful information and support, while US users can contact the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

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