Does Buying London’s Lauren leave DDRE?

buying london does lauren leave ddre
Does Buying London’s Lauren leave DDRE?Netflix

Buying London just dropped on Netflix, and the new property show is about to be your new reality TV obsession. If you're like us, you've already binge-watched the whole thing and have one question: Does Lauren Christy leave DDRE Global?

The series follows property mogul Daniel Daggers and his ambitious team of estate agents as they take on London’s luxury property market. Think mansions in Mayfair, homes in Holland Park and more!

The series also follows the drama inside the office, mainly between Lauren and Rasa Bagdonaviciute. So, are the agents able to work it out after the show or does Lauren end up leaving DDRE? Here's what we know.

buying london cast instagram
Zoe McConnell - Netflix

Does Buying London’s Lauren leave DDRE?

So, during Buying London, Lauren and Rasa argue (a lot) with Rasa feeling like Daniel gives listings to Lauren unfairly and Lauren feeling attacked by Rasa's assumptions. That argument in front of the other estate agent at Sandbanks? Awkward!

At the end of season one, rival agent Alex invites Lauren to dinner and discusses her leaving DDRE to join his company. When Daniel and the other agents find out about this, they're not happy.

The series ends with Daniel pleading with Lauren to stay at DDRE, with her saying she'll make a decision when she returns from a trip back home to South Africa. So, does she leave the company after Buying London?

Well, we've done a bit of a deep dive and according to her Instagram, Lauren is very much still working at DDRE. She's shared details of multiple properties she's selling for the company on her social media, with the most recent one being just last week.

Plus, on her and Rasa, the colleagues still follow each other on Instagram, so it seems like there's not as much bad blood between them now. Um, we need season two!

Buying London is streaming on Netflix now.

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