Dog Burglar! Police highly amused to discover identity of mystery ‘home intruder’

Officers who turned up to investigate a possible home invasion were relieved - and amused - to find the culprit was not sinister at all.

Deputies from the Sonoma County Sheriff’s Office in California rushed to a property after an 18-year-old man dialled 911.

The distressed teen was at home alone when his dogs suddenly all began barking frantically, as if alarmed at a stranger inside.

He told deputies that he could hear strange noises from inside the house and had barricaded himself and his pets in a room away from any possible threat.

Suspect: The Great Dane was catching some air in the skylight (Sonoma County Sheriff Office)

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However, what they actually found was one of the man’s dogs - a Great Dane - sticking its head casually out of the skylight in the roof.

Department spokesman Spencer Crum told The Dodo: “One of the deputies outside the house heard this scratching noise.

"He shined his light around the house and saw this dog sticking his head out a skylight on the roof.

“The deputy said - and I quote - ‘At that point we ditched all tactics and died laughing.’”

The reason the other dogs had all begun barking was an apparent act of jealousy that they weren’t tall enough to reach the skylight themselves.

Top pic: Sonoma County Sheriff Office