Dog with two mouths finds forever home: 'She's one in a million'

A very unique rescue dog with two mouths is smiling double after finding her forever home, thanks to the owner of an Oklahoma animal shelter.

Toad, a 5-year-old former-stray dog, has a second mouth growing on the side of her head where an ear should be. The pup's peculiar feature even has its own set of teeth and frequently salivates.

But despite Toad's two mouths, misaligned face, and limited hearing and vision, her new owner, Heather Hernandez, told KFOR that she fell in love with the "special" dog the moment she laid eyes on her.

"We realised immediately she was different," Hernandez the station. "Obviously, the way she looks but, her personality and her bond to me and my family, it was just so immediate."

"She's one in a million," she added.

【ギャラリー】Toad, the rescue dog with two mouths, finds her forever home14

Hernandez, the owner of Mutt Misfit Rescue in Oklahoma City, said she was "completely shocked" when her soon-to-be adopted pet was first brought into the shelter, comparing her curious abnormality to "something from a science fiction movie." In fact, true to the genre, much about Toad's second mouth remains a complete mystery.

"Her primary veterinarian thinks that maybe she absorbed a twin in utero and so that's kind of how the deformity surfaced," Hernandez said. "The main teeth, the ones you see primarily, they are connected to her skull, so we leave them."

"(The second mouth) is attached to her esophagus and airways," she added. "So, when she drinks a lot of water, when she runs a lot, she gets tired or excited, then it drools a lot."

Hernandez said that despite the fact that she cannot "rule out that the ear mouth might cause further issues in the future," Toad is living a fairly normal life for the time being. She hopes her story will encourage others to be more open to adopting deformed and disabled dogs.

"Just because an animal doesn't look perfect, it can still make a perfect pet and a perfect part of the family," Hernandez said.