Dogs munch on healthy treats at new pet food shop

Winnie's Yard is now open in Sheepcot Drive, Garston. <i>(Image: Julie Muncer-Fear)</i>
Winnie's Yard is now open in Sheepcot Drive, Garston. (Image: Julie Muncer-Fear)

Watford pooches have been enjoying healthy treats after the launch of a new dog food shop.

Winnie’s Yard opened at 1C Sheepcot Drive on Saturday, June 22, offering raw food and natural dog snacks which don’t contain preservatives, additives or filler ingredients.

The shop is run by Julie Muncer-Fear and her wife Amy, who live in Garston, and is named after their pet bulldog Winnie.

Winnie's Yard is run by couple Amy and Julie Muncer-Fear. (Image: Julie Muncer-Fear)

Director Julie said there was a “great” atmosphere at the launch, adding: “It was a bit overwhelming, we had over 50 dogs visit but luckily they didn’t have any punch-ups between them!”

The new shop is named after the owners' pet bulldog. (Image: Julie Muncer-Fear)

The 47-year-old Watford local added it has been a busy first week with customers arriving every day to the Garston shop, which has a mural and bench seating outside.

Winnie's Yard is now open in Sheepcot Drive. (Image: Julie Muncer-Fear)

Julie said more dog owners are switching to natural food and she wanted to bring healthier options to Watford after the pair had to drive to Aylesbury to buy it for Winnie.

Owner Julie said around 50 dogs visited on the launch day. (Image: Julie Muncer-Fear) She explained: “People who want their dogs to be healthy and have longevity of life are now retreating back to the raw food.

The shop sells treats and raw food free from additives and preservatives. (Image: Julie Muncer-Fear) “It’s all natural as dogs would have been eating 50 years ago, before the new kibble came around with additives and fillers that are not healthy for anybody, let alone animals.”