Donald Trump says getting the nuclear codes was ‘very, very scary’

Donald Trump (Photo by Shawn Thew-Pool/Getty Images)
Donald Trump (Photo by Shawn Thew-Pool/Getty Images)

Donald Trump has said that taking control of the nuclear codes was ‘very, very scary’ – and a ‘sobering moment’.

Trump took command of the codes after his Oath of Office – allowing him to authorise a nuclear attack.

In an interview with ABC, he said, ‘When they explain what is represents and the kind of destruction that you’re talking about, it is a very sobering moment, yes. It’s very, very scary, in a sense.

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‘ I have confidence that I’ll do the right thing, the right job. But it’s a very, very scary thing.’

For the next four years, Trump will be followed by an aide with a leather briefcase – known as the ‘football’ – has accompanied every American President for decades.

Picture Rex
Picture Rex

Within it is the power to put nuclear weapons into the air in less than five minutes.

The suitcase contains communications equipment to contact America’s nuclear forces – on submarines, in bombers and on launch sites around the world.

To activate it, Trump will need a card – known as ‘the biscuit’ – which identifies who he is, and authorises him to order single or multiple nuclear weapon launches.