Double Rainbow Appeared Over Buckingham Palace Right Before News Of Queen’s Death

A rainbow that appeared outside of Buckingham Palace on Sept. 8, 2022. (Photo: Leon Neal via Getty Images)
A rainbow that appeared outside of Buckingham Palace on Sept. 8, 2022. (Photo: Leon Neal via Getty Images)

A rainbow that appeared outside of Buckingham Palace on Sept. 8, 2022. (Photo: Leon Neal via Getty Images)

Two rainbows appeared over Buckingham Palace shortly before it was announced that Queen Elizabeth II had died on Thursday at the age of 96.

Although the Queen reportedly died “peacefully” at her summer home Balmoral Castle in Aberdeenshire, Scotland, the presence of the rainbows over the palace from which she reigned for 70 years was stunningly beautiful — and a little magical.

A faint rainbow is seen over a more vivid one outside of Buckingham Palace Thursday. (Photo: Leon Neal via Getty Images)
A faint rainbow is seen over a more vivid one outside of Buckingham Palace Thursday. (Photo: Leon Neal via Getty Images)

A faint rainbow is seen over a more vivid one outside of Buckingham Palace Thursday. (Photo: Leon Neal via Getty Images)

Some on Twitter interpreted the rainbows in a variety of ways.

Regardless of the rainbows’ symbolism, they seem like a fitting marker for the life of the longest-reigning British monarch and the world’s second-longest reigning monarch after Louis XIV of France.

This article originally appeared on HuffPost and has been updated.