Drinkers lap up stunning view of planes coming into land over an airport pub

An airport pub serves drinks just 15 metres from the runway - and drinkers can watch planes coming into land over a pint.

The Hangar, Manchester, is 50 feet away from the airport, and people don’t need to be checked in to drink there. It boasts a “unique perspective” for customers, who can enjoy a beverage right next to planes taking off and landing.

Plane-themed décor can also be seen scattered around the pub - like booths in the shape of turbine engines and plane wing ceiling fans. Customers don’t need to be using the airport facilities to drink there - as it’s separate from the terminal.


William, 24, who works at the pub, said: "It's intense because it can get really busy. You just get on with it - you laugh and joke with everybody.

"At the end of the day, most people who work here have been here for years, so they must love seeing the planes. You do learn to ignore them coming and going after a while."

There's also a children's play area and bouncy castle to keep younger visitors entertained. Mains start from £11.00 and include traditional pub classics like burgers, pizzas, and fish and chips.

There's also a fully-stocked bar too with a range of drinks with a pint of Carling costing £5 and cocktails £8.95.