Driver caught on the phone behind the wheel sticks middle finger up to undercover police

The driver was not aware that he was giving the finger to the Avon and Somerset Roads Policing Unit.

Watch: Driver sticks middle finger up at undercover police officers

This is the unfortunate moment a driver using his phone at the wheel stuck his finger up at a passing car – not realising they were undercover police.

Avon and Somerset Police Roads Policing Unit shared a video of the moment they caught the man seemingly talking into his mobile while driving.

The officers were conducting mobile phone enforcement when the driver saw they were filming and rudely gestured to them as they drove alongside him.

The driver was caught using his phone while at the wheel. (SWNS)
The driver was caught using his phone while at the wheel. (SWNS)

But he did not realise that he was giving the finger to the officers, who said his response showed the “total disregard” some people have for the law.

The team wrote on Twitter: "Officers conducting mobile phone enforcement in an unmarked vehicle observed this driver on his phone.

“His reaction, before noticing that the person recording him was a Police Officer, shows the totally disregard some people have for the law & #RoadSafety!"

The driver did not realise that he was giving police officers the finger. (SWNS)
The driver did not realise that he was giving police officers the finger. (SWNS)

People commenting on the video were quick to criticise the motorist for speaking on the phone while driving.

One person wrote: “More of this kind of traffic policing please. I'm not a fan of speed cameras but people using there phones while driving is a real serious issue.”

Another added: “Good job. You can guess how his attitude translates through to his driving if not his wider conduct. Fine and disqualify for a period of time please.”