Driver on his way to Specsavers hit two elderly people with his car

A driver going to the opticians knocked down an elderly couple as he reversed through a pedestrianised shopping zone, a court has heard. Kevin Florance was taking his partner's father to a Specsavers branch when he hit the man and woman and sent them crashing to the floor.

A judge at Swansea Crown Court told the 61-year-old driver the elderly couple should have been in his view "for some time" had he been "looking properly" while manoeuvring his BMW car. Florance's advocate told the court the defendant was "embarrassed and somewhat distressed" to find himself in the dock.

Georgia Donohue, prosecuting, said at around 11.30am on the morning of November 27 last year police responded to reports of a vehicle colliding with two elderly pedestrians on New Street in Neath town centre When officers arrived on the scene they found an off-duty nurse was helping the casualties. The court heard Florance approached the officers and told them he had been reversing onto Orchard Street in order to drop-off his partner's elderly dad at Specsavers opticians. He also said his partner had been in the car acting as his "look out". The prosecutor said the elderly couple hit by Florance had not provided any medical evidence in the case but their injuries at the scene had been described as being "minor".

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Kevin Florance, of Villiers Street, Briton Ferry, Neath, had previously pleaded guilty to dangerous driving when he appeared in the dock for sentencing. He has 16 previous convictions for 36 offences including motoring matters but none since 2002. Giles Hayes, for Florance, said his client was "embarrassed and somewhat distressed" to find himself in the position he was in. He accepted it was "rather bizarre" that nobody in the defendant's car had seen the couple behind them as the vehicle reversed, and said the defendant took responsibility for what he did when he spoke to officers at the roadside. The advocate said the streets involved were open to vehicles at certain times of the day and his client had made a "foolish decision" in driving on them when he did. He added that the defendant was not in good health and that prior to being charged via postal requisition had kept in touch with the family of the elderly couple in order to check on their welfare. For the latest court reports, sign up to our crime newsletter here

Recorder David Elias KC said he had seen CCTV from Neath town centre and it was clear the defendant had been reversing at a "very, very slow speed" when he collided with couple behind his car. He told Florance: "Pedestrians were there and should have been in your view for some time had you been looking properly. It is very fortunate they did not receive more serious injury." The recorder said he accepted that Florance had behaved "entirely appropriately" after the incident, firstly by checking the couple were okay at the scene and then keeping in touch with a member of their family over the following months.

Recorder Elias said the starting point for sentence on the guidelines was one of 36 weeks in custody with a range between a high-level community order and 18 months in prison, and said given the circumstances of the incident and the balancing of the mitigating and aggravating factors the appropriate sentence would be towards the bottom of the range. Florance was made the subject of a 12 month community order and was banned from driving for two years, and he must pass an extended test before he can get his licence back.

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