Drugged-up van driver was 'so high' he can't remember police chase

Police custody photograph of Daniel Meades
Daniel Meades was sentenced to 12 months in prison -Credit:Dyfed-Powys Police

A van driver who led police on a late night pursuit along dark wet streets was so "high" on drugs he cannot remember what happened that night, a court has heard. When Daniel Meades was eventually caught by officers he had to be Tasered so he could be arrested.

The dad-of-three's barrister told Swansea Crown Court the case highlights the "unintended consequences" of taking Class A drugs. Sending the defendant down, a judge told him he had put the safety of other road users at risk with his behaviour.

Caitlin Brazel, prosecuting, said the incident began in the early hours of February 22 this year when Meades arrived in the village of Coelbren in his white Transit van and tried to get into a locked garage before smashing the windows of a caravan and car parked nearby. The court heard the homeowner was alerted to something going on by the sound of breaking glass and when she looked out of the window she saw the defendant who "appeared to be manic" and was "bouncing all over the place".

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The prosecutor said Meades then got back into his van and drove off towards the common before returning a short time later and "swerving" towards people who had gathered on the street to see what was going on. The witnesses had to jump out of the way to avoid being hit. The 37-year-old defendant then parked outside another house and began shouting, prompting the householder to call the police. Before officers arrived on the scene Meades drove his van onto and around the property, damaging a garden fence and a car in the process.

The court heard by now police had received "numerous" calls about a white van being driven dangerously in the Coelbren area, and officers responding to the calls spotted it heading towards the Swansea Valley and Ystradgynlais. The officers illuminated the blue lights on their vehicle and signalled for the defendant to stop but Meades responded by driving off at speed and "gesturing" to officers through the window. The prosecutor said as officers followed the van, Meades drove at twice the speed limit on roads which were wet and had very limited street lighting. For the latest court reports, sign up to our crime newsletter here

After a pursuit lasting some 10 minutes officers found the defendant outside his parked van and tried to arrest him but he was "violent and aggressive" and had to be Tasered. He was taken to hospital for a check up and while there refused to provide a specimen for analysis saying "I'm going to lose my licence anyway". Meades was subsequently taken to Dafen police station in Llanelli where he refused a second request for a sample.

Daniel Meades, of Moorlands, Dyffryn Cellwen, Dulais Valley, Neath, had previously pleaded guilty to dangerous driving, failing to provide a specimen, and four counts for criminal damage when he appeared in the dock for sentencing. He has four previous convictions for six offences including motoring matters and an affray from 2021. This public order offence saw Meades fighting with his neighbour Adam Jones during which the men exchanged blows and bites as they grappled in the lane which ran behind their houses. At one stage Meades "dump tackled" his neighbour to the ground. The background to the brawl was said to be a "long-running dispute" involving an extension Meades was building and the removal of the boundary fence between the properties. On that occasion the judge said both men involved in the fight needed to grow up and to take a long hard look at themselves and their conduct.

David Singh, for Meades, said the case "highlights the unintended consequences of Class A drug use" and said while the defendant had begun taking drugs for "pleasure" it had led to the breakdown of his marriage and had put his "lucrative" business at risk. He said the events of February 22 had been a wake up call for Meades. Asked by Judge Geraint Walters what the Coelbren dispute was all about the barrister said his client "has no recollection of the night".

Judge Walters said he had no idea what had possessed Meades to behave in the way he had, and it seemed neither did the defendant. He told Meades that on his own account "you were so high you have no recollection" of what happened, and said driving in that state had clearly put other road users at serious risk. With a discount for his guilty pleas Meades was sentenced to a total of 12 months in prison - he will serve up to half that sentence in custody before being released on licence to serve the remainder in the community. The defendant was also disqualified from driving for 30 months and must pass an extended test before he can get his licence back.

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