Drivers in England urged not to get into their cars before 6pm on Friday

Motorists across England have been warned to avoid setting off for their Bank Holiday weekend trips until after 6pm on Friday.

The RAC has predicted that this could be the busiest weekend of the year so far on the roads, with traffic volumes potentially returning to pre-pandemic levels. RAC breakdown spokesperson Alice Simpson said: "Our research suggests this weekend could be the busiest of the year so far on the roads.

"In fact, we're looking at possible leisure traffic volumes returning to levels similar to what we last saw in 2019 before the coronavirus outbreak, as drivers' desire to make the most of the UK increases. While no one likes to think about their vehicle breaking down, especially on a bank holiday weekend, those vehicles that are serviced regularly and generally looked after are much less likely to let their drivers down."


Friday, May 24, is set to be the worst day of the bank holiday with over four million journeys planned. 3.7 million trips are expected on Saturday, May 25, while 3.4 million journeys are expected on Sunday and bank holiday Monday. To avoid the peak traffic, drivers have been advised to delay their departures until 6pm.

It comes as Swansay Motor Group said: "Rules around where you can and can't sleep in your campervan can be a little hazy, the easiest way to be sure you're on the right side of the law is to stay on an official camp site that accommodates campervans. However, if you are thinking of exploring the wild side, it's best you know where you stand.

"The majority of land in England and Wales is privately owned and therefore you are not allowed to camp there unless you have permission from the owner. Most car parks are privately owned and will state whether overnight camping is allowed, but often when it is, it's only for one night.

"The is now specific law that prohibits you from sleeping in a campervan at the side of a road, however, it's an ill-advised practice. If you are going to do this, you need to ensure that you are not causing an obstruction, such as parking in a passing place as these are designed to allow traffic to pass each other. If you park up at the side of the road, don't be surprised if law enforcement pay you a visit and ask you to move on.

"Some pubs allow 'stopovers' where you can park up in their car park overnight, but again this is strictly for one day only and comes with the caveat that only one motorhome/caravan is able to stopover at a time."