Drivers warned of little-known 'friends and family' rule that could result in £1,000 fine

Drivers are being warned about a little-known rule that could end with a fine
-Credit: (Image: PA)

Drivers could get a £1,000 fine and penalty points on their licence for a lesser-known mistake relating to friends and family.

According to experts at SimplyQuote, road users who borrow a friend or family member's vehicle are at risk of being caught out by car insurance laws. Unless a person is listed as a 'named driver' on a car insurance policy it is unlikely a motorist will be properly insured.

According to the specialists, the driver and the owner of the vehicle will be penalised if caught. Chris Richards, spokesperson for SimplyQuote, said motorists had to be sure they had “specific coverage” in place before setting off.

He said: “Borrowing a car for short-term use, whether for a road trip, family activities, or events, requires specific insurance coverage. Simply adding a name to an existing policy isn’t always enough, as there are precise conditions that both the driver and the vehicle must meet to be eligible for temporary cover.”

Motorists have been warned they face “significant fines” if they are caught without the correct agreement in place, reports The Express. In some severe cases, road users could be issued up to eight penalty points on a licence and face a potential driving ban.

The owner of the vehicle could also be prosecuted for allowing an uninsured individual to drive their car. Breaking the rule could also hit motorists in the pocket with many existing car insurance policies likely to be immediately invalidated.

According to SimplyQuote, many drivers may believe they are covered to drive other vehicles if they have a fully comprehensive policy in place. Many of these agreements included a Drive Other Cars (DOC) clause which gave third-party protection when behind the wheel of another motor.

However, this policy is no longer automatically applied with many firms now excluding DOC cover from their arrangements. Chris added: “Ensuring you're properly insured isn't just about avoiding fines. It's about protecting yourself and others on the road."