All the driving offenders sentenced at Hull Magistrates' Court last week

Motorists caught driving whilst unfit through drink or drugs and a man who drove without reasonable consideration to other road users were sentenced by magistrates in Hull in recent days.

Appearing at Hull Magistrates' Court, many motorists from across Hull and East Yorkshire were handed lengthy driving bans, points on their licences and hefty fines for an array of driving offences.

Here are five driving offenders who were sentenced last week.


Patryk Paradowski, 26, of Coxwold Grove, Hull pleaded guilty to driving whilst under the influence of cocaine and without insurance. He was disqualified from driving for three years and ordered to pay a fine of £138, £85 in costs to the Crown Prosecution Service and a £55 victim services surcharge.

Janine Billany, 45, of Endyke Lane, Cottingham pleaded guilty to driving whilst unfit to do so through drugs and driving without insurance. She was disqualified from driving for two years and ordered to pay a £403 fine, a victim services surcharge of £161 and £85 in costs to the Crown Prosecution Service.

Hull Magistrates' Court
Hull Magistrates' Court -Credit:Hull Live

Sandra Rogozinska, 26, of Wentworth Way, Hull pleaded guilty to driving whilst above the legal alcohol limit. She was disqualified from driving for 26 months, fined £333 and ordered to pay a victim services surcharge of £133 and £85 in costs to the Crown Prosecution Service.

Elliot Coates, 21, of Weghill Road, Preston pleaded guilty to driving whilst unfit through drink. He was disqualified from driving for 18 months, fined £441 and ordered to pay a victim services surcharge of £176 and £85 in costs to the Crown Prosecution Service.

Simon Oliver, 47, of Mersey Street, Hull pleaded guilty to driving a mechanically propelled vehicle on a road without reasonable consideration to other users. He was given seven points on his licence and ordered to pay a £600 fine, £240 victim services surcharge and £85 in costs to the Crown Prosecution Service.