Drug-test Biden before Thursday showdown, advises doctor

Donald Trump and Joe Biden during the final presidential debate at Belmont University in Nashville, Tennessee on Oct 22, 2020
Donald Trump and Joe Biden during the final presidential debate at Belmont University in Nashville, Tennessee on Oct 22, 2020 - BRENDAN SMIALOWSKIJIM WATSON/AFP

Joe Biden must take a drug test for performance enhancing stimulants before Thursday’s debate with Donald Trump, a former White House physician has said.

Ronny Jackson, Trump’s White House medical adviser, claimed that Democrats had been giving Mr Biden, 81, medication to keep him awake and “help him think straighter”.

They are claims which have also been raised by Trump, without evidence.

His remarks come days before millions of Americans are expected to tune in to watch Trump, 78, face the man he called “sleepy Joe” and a “brain-dead zombie”.

The first of two presidential debates could be a pivotal moment in this year’s race for the White House, with Mr Biden’s team hoping a strong performance will help stamp out concerns about his age and mental fitness.

Dr Jackson’s comments mark the latest attempt of Trump’s allies to engage in preemptive damage control in case Mr Biden delivers an impressive performance during the 90-minute Atlanta debate.

“I’m going to be demanding on behalf of many millions of concerned Americans right now that Biden submit to a drug test before and after this debate, specifically looking for performance-enhancing drugs,” Dr Jackson told Fox News.

US Representative Ronny Jackson speaks during Donald Trump's campaign rally in West Palm Beach, Florida, on June 14
US Representative Ronny Jackson speaks during Donald Trump's campaign rally in West Palm Beach, Florida, on June 14 - JIM WATSON/AFP

Citing Mr Biden’s impressive State of the Union address, Dr Jackson said the March speech was not delivered by someone “similar at all to what we see on a day-to-day basis for the last 3.5 years”.

“And there’s just really no way to explain that, other than he was on something, that they’d given him medications,” he said.

It comes as Trump and his allies began talking up Mr Biden ahead of Thursday’s debate in case Trump falls short on the night.

Pushing back on what he called “a real effort on the Biden team to try to lower expectations”, Doug Burgum, one of Trump’s top contender’s for vice president, told CNN: “When he needs to, he can step up.”

Despite questioning Biden’s mental fitness on the campaign trail, Trump himself said last week that he thought Mr Biden would be a “worthy debater” adding: “I’m not underestimating him.”

Dr Jackson also suggested, without evidence, that Mr Biden is being given drugs while he and his top team prepare for the first of two 2024 debates, in Camp David.

President Joe Biden arrives to deliver the State of the Union address to a joint session of Congress at the Capitol in Washington, on March 7
President Joe Biden arrives to deliver the State of the Union address to a joint session of Congress at the Capitol in Washington, on March 7 - Shawn Thew/AP

Mr Biden and a group of aides have relocated to his secluded country residence in Maryland, for intensive practice sessions interspersed with breaks in what has been described as a “prep-and-rest” routine.

“Part of that is probably experimenting with just getting the doses just right, because they have to treat his cognition,” Dr Jackson said.

Dr Jackson, who was elected to Congress after he was endorsed by Trump, came under fire while serving at the White House for allegedly exaggerating claims about Trump’s health for political reasons.

Christopher Galdieri, professor of politics at Saint Anselm College, said Dr Jackson’s comments come as Trump’s team try to marry the image of Mr Biden they have been pushing with the one that may give a fiery performance on the debate stage.

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything like this before, but they’re trying to do two things at once”, he told The Telegraph.

“They’ve said Biden is a feeble old man who has no idea where he is and can’t string two words together, but he might show up and give a really great debate performance, and those two things are difficult to reconcile, which is why they found themselves in the realm of conspiracy theory.”