Drugged-up dealer in high-speed chase rams police car in reverse

Joby Reed, from Launceston has been sentenced to 32 months in prison
-Credit: (Image: Devon and Cornwall Police)

A drug dealer from Cornwall led police in a high-speed chase both ways down the M5 before flying at speed through residential neighbourhoods and ramming their car trying to escape a dead end. Joby Reed, with accomplice Alexander Stewart on board, smashed backwards into people's walls and cars as a helicopter and armed police had to be called in to arrest him after he was boxed in.

Reed had aroused suspicion as he hit speeds of up to 100mph on the M5, flashing at and tailgating other drivers, all the while high on cocaine and cannabis with his car full of drugs. A knife was also found in the Ford Focus.

Reed, 31, from Race Hill, Launceston, and his drug-dealing associate Stewart, 37, from Station Road, also in Launceston, appeared before Truro Crown Court on Friday (June 21) for sentencing in connection with a series of drug offences relating to an incident outside the Greenaways Service and MoT centre in the town's Newport Square on January 5 this year. Both also pleaded guilty to being in possession of a knife at the time.

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In addition, Reed also pleaded guilty at a previous hearing to offences of dangerous driving, assaulting a police officer, possession of a knife, in connection with an unrelated matter last August and three other drug offences with regards to the possession of Class A drugs.

Ryan Murray, prosecuting, told the court that on August 13 last year, Reed's Ford Focus was reported being driven dangerously on the M5 at speeds of 100mph, while flashing his lights at others and tailgating drivers in front of him.

The court heard how a police chase ensued. Reed was followed along the M5 from Exeter to Cullompton where he exited the motorway and turned round back down the M5. A police helicopter had to be deployed during the incident.

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Mr Murray said that Reed drove through a set of red lights as he left the motorway, forcing others to take evasive action. While hitting 50mph in built up areas in Exeter, Reed ended up in a cul-de-sac where, not being able to turn around, he tried to escape from the police by reversing at speed down the road.

He told the court that it was during that manoeuvre that Reed damaged property walls and parked cars and rammed the police car being used to try to box him in. Reed was eventually stopped and arrested by armed police.

While resisting arrest he bit a police officer on the arm. He tested positive for cocaine and cannabis and a knife was also found in his car along with class A and B drugs.

In an unrelated incident, police were alerted to suspicious goings-on outside the Greenaways Services and MoT centre in Launceston on January 5 this year when a Skoda car was spotted with non-matching number plates.

An unmarked police car was dispatched to the area and police officers soon pounced on the occupants - Reed in the driving seat and Stewart as his passenger - after they tried to evade arrest by ramming the police car. Both were taken out of the car and searched.

Their car was searched and quantities of cocaine, heroine and cannabis in retail wraps with a combined street value of £14,000 were found on them and in a holdall bag on the footrest of the passenger seat. Reed and Stewart were also found to have a knife on their persons while some digital weighing scales were also found on Reed. The pair were charged with possession and intent to supply Class A and Class B drugs, and being in possession of a knife.

Mr Murray said Reed has four convictions for similar drug offences and received an 18-month suspended prison sentence in 2013 as a 20-year-old for the production of and intent to supply cannabis. Stewart has 11 previous convictions for 19 offences mostly relating to driving matters, breaches of court orders, low level violence and drugs as well as for being in possession of a razor.

Victoria Bastock, defending Reed, said he had made progress while on remand in prison in kicking his drug addiction. She said he had expressed his "utter disgust at his behaviour" with regards to the dangerous driving incident and also expressed genuine remorse for his actions.

She added: "He is hard working in nature. He's had a difficult childhood. He has started putting in work in prison and started an education and has taken part in a drugs awareness course. He used to play a significant role in the care of his disabled father so being in prison has had an impact on his family."

Emily Cook, defending Stewart, said he had got back into using Class A drugs following the suicide of his brother in January last year when they had been very close. She said it had been a way to cope with a broken relationship and a break down in his mental health.

Ms Cook said he had been receiving counselling while on remand in prison "to start on an even keel". She told the court: "He said that being in prison has given his head a wobble and he realises that he needs to stop offending and think and reflect on what he wants his life to be. He has plans to work with We Are With You to deal with his addiction and to reconnect with the mental health services and to undertake course and find work to repay his debt to society."

Recorder Richard Mawhinney told Reed that had it not been for the dangerous driving offences, he would have suspended his sentence for the drug offences but combined, the two sets of offences made it inevitable that a custodial sentence would be passed. He also told him that the various letters of support from his father and sisters had shown another, more positive, side to his character.

He said Stewart had shown genuine remorse for his actions but the possession of a knife had been an aggravating factor.

Stewart was sentenced to a total of 24 months in jail suspended for 18 months as well as 26 days of rehabilitation activity days and a four-month curfew to reside at an address. Reed was jailed for a total of 32 months including 24 for the drug offences and eight months for the dangerous driving and assault on an police officer. He was also disqualified from driving for two years and 10 months.