Drugs smuggler caught at Glasgow Airport with £60k cannabis haul in suitcase

An image featuring packages of drugs found at Aberdeen Airport
Previous drugs raid at Aberdeen Airport -Credit:PROVIDED BY UK Border Force

A woman who was caught trying to smuggle £60k worth of cannabis into the country via Glasgow Airport is facing a lengthy jail term.

Lauren Tesch was caught with the haul of the Class B drug after flying from Vancouver to Reykjavik before landing at the Caledonia Way airport on February 20, with a suitcase packed with 16.68kg of the illicit drug.

The 32-year-old’s route of travel caused Border Force officials concern which led them to question her further before making the drugs discovery.

And this is the second time a Canadian citizen was caught with an illegal drug’s haul at the Paisley airport.

Glasgow Airport
Lauren Tesch was caught with £61k worth of cannabis at Glasgow Airport -Credit:Peter Carroll Communications Manager Glasgow Airport Limited, Erskine Court, St Andrews Drive, Paisley PA3 2TJ peter.carroll@glasgowairport.com T (0)141 848 4737 M (0)79505 31199

Last month we reported how Alisha Penney flew from Toronto to Frankfurt before landing at Glasgow Airport with a suitcase laden with 17.20kg of cannabis.

Penney landed in the country just over two weeks prior to Tesch – on February 5 – and was caught red-handed when Border Force cops were also concerned about the route the 22-year-old had taken.

It was soon discovered the haul of cannabis Penney attempted to illegal bring into the country had a wholesale value of between £64,600 and £110,500, depending on the quality.

Yesterday, Paisley Sheriff Court heard how Border Force officials were forced to smash open the padlock on Tesch’s suitcase after she claimed she didn’t have the key.

The procurator fiscal depute told the town’s court: “Tesch presented herself at immigration control as a Canadian citizen. Being concerned regarding the travel routing, she was referred to customs control for further examination.

“Tesch was escorted to the baggage reclaim and she identified a large black suitcase. She was asked if she had anything to declare and she said no. It was noted she also had a small suitcase and a handbag.

“The accused told officials she was staying at the Moxy hotel and that all bags in her possession were hers. She said she was aware of the contents although somebody else had packed them.

Paisley Sheriff Court
Tesch will return to court for sentencing next month -Credit:Paisley Daily Express

“Tesch also said to UK Border Force, 'I might aswell tell you because you will know there is something in there that shouldn’t be'.

“Border Force officers opened the large black suitcase by breaking open the padlock as Tesch stated she didn’t have they key. Officers found some clothing and sealed black shrink wrapped packages within the suitcase.

“The packages were weighed and found to weigh a total of 16.68kg. A sample was taken which tested positive for cannabis.”

The court heard that drug experts valued the drugs seized to have a total value of £61,000.

Defence agent Tony Callaghan asked for background reports to be called for.

He added: "She has fully cooperated with police and even provided her phone to allow further enquiries to be made by officers."

Sheriff Tom McCartney stated: “Given the serious nature of this crime, it is likely there will be no alternative than a period of imprisonment but I’ll make no decision on that until reports are available."

Tesch, described as an inmate of Polmont prison, was remanded in custody for the preparation of background reports. She will be sentenced on May 31.

A Home Office spokesperson said: “We are cracking down on smugglers attempting to bring illicit substances over the border.

“We have seen a record level of seizures demonstrating police and Border Force are working relentlessly to stop illegal drugs from coming into the country and keep them off our streets.”

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