Dudley police seeking man in Hoodrich top after window smashed at Wordsley property

Police are tracing this man after an attempted burglary in Wordsley
Police are tracing this man after an attempted burglary in Wordsley -Credit:WMP

Police are tracing this man in connection with an attempted burglary in the Black Country. The incident took place in the Wordsley area of Dudley last month.

West Midlands Police say a man tried breaking into a house on Horsham Avenue on Monday, April 22. The suspect smashed a ground floor window but left the scene when he failed to gain entry.

The force has released a photograph of a man who officers want to speak to in connection with the incident. The man is seen wearing a dark-coloured Hoodrich jacket with the hood pulled up.

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A spokesperson for West Midlands Police said: "Any idea who this might be? We want to speak to him in connection with an attempted burglary in #Wordsley last month.

"On Monday April 22, a man attempted to break into a house on Horsham Avenue by smashing a ground floor window. He made off after failing to gain entry."

The force added: "We acknowledge these images are not very clear but we’re asking for anyone with information to call us on 101 or get in touch via Live Chat on our website and quote crime number 20/378787/24.