DWP Carer's Allowance could be hiked above £81 because claimants 'unsupported'

Millions of unpaid carers have warned they feel unsupported from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP). Unpaid caring has had a "very" or "slightly" negative impact on 56 per cent of people's finances and savings.

Millions of unpaid carers feel unsupported despite saving economy estimated £162billion, they said. A YouGov poll of 6,500 members of the public found 62 per cent of current and former unpaid carers said they had no choice to take on the responsibility.

Helen Walker, chief executive of Carers UK said: “These findings demonstrate how caring can have a profound effect on every aspect of life and wellbeing, from mental and physical health, being able to work, or affecting their future income including pensions.

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“That’s why we need to see a future Government deliver action across Government, in the form of a National Carers Strategy. With an ageing population, this is becoming ever more important.” Ms Walker added: “Carers Week is an important annual opportunity to ‘put carers on the map’.

"We want unpaid carers to know they are not forgotten, and they are not alone. Many are at breaking point, facing huge challenges with their caring responsibilities. On top of this they are struggling to manage their own health and wellbeing.

"Carers are worried about their long-term health, security and ability to care in the future.” Dorothy Cook is an unpaid carer from Bristol and said: “If I had been asked 15 years ago where I saw my life in 2024, I would never have dreamed it would be as a full-time carer. I had started my own business and it was thriving.

“I worked long hours and it wasn’t always easy. But I will honestly say that being a full-time unpaid carer has been the toughest and most challenging role of all.” She added: “I am financially poorer. I do it because of my love for someone who has found themselves dependent on me.

“I also have little choice about caring because the system is unable to provide the care my husband needs. It leaves me without enough breaks and the essential support I also need for my own health. I’m often caring 24 hours a day, seven days a week which is exhausting.”

If you spend at least 35 hours a week caring for someone with an illness or disability, you may be eligible for extra money called Carer's Allowance. It is paid at a rate of £81.90 per week.