DWP could force claimants to use 'approved list' of items in PIP crackdown

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) claimants could be forced to use an "approved list" of items from the government as part of a radical benefits crackdown and shake-up. The DWP has published a green paper this week looking at welfare reforms.

As part of proposals to remove cash payments, claimants would be signed up to a "catalogue and shop scheme". The government explains: "In this kind of scheme, there would be an approved list from which disabled people could choose items at reduced or no cost.

"This would likely work better for equipment and aids rather than for services." The paper goes on to state: "While these alternative models help people with the extra costs of their disability or health condition, other forms of support including health care, social services care provision and respite are also important to help people to realise their full potential and live independently.

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"We would like to understand whether some people receiving PIP who have lower, or no extra costs, may have better outcomes from improved access to treatment and support than from a cash payment. We would also like to know whether there are specific groups of people who have a need of a greater level of support than they currently receive, and whether this support should be financial or take a different form."

The DWP says this could be"improved access to healthcare (such as mental health provision or physiotherapy) or enhanced local authority support (such as care packages, respite or home adaptations)." The paper adds: "We will further explore ways of improving people’s access to services in Chapter 4."

The consultation is now open and the DWP says: "We encourage you to respond online via the form if possible. Please read the consultation document. Then submit your responses online. Please email consultation.modernisingsupport@DWP.GOV.UK if you would like to respond via email or you have any other enquiries specifically relating to this consultation."